Beauty Vintage

The old trailer we made home

The quiet streets and usual people

With landscape so admired by us

They look better with each new look

VHS, DVD on the shelf full of cassettes

Get your vinyl and let's listen to music

Looking by the window, amazing sunset

Use your camcorder and save this moment


It's beauty, so vintage

Ev'ry time when my heart

Falls in love for your soul

It's beauty, too vintage

In the way we love each other

As if we were elder

Living like an old movie

Playing folk music in the background

On the horizon the sky the earth cross

Your love never makes me feel lost

(I needed to said it)


Everyone's waiting

For a big bad buzz

I'm the only waiting

To hear your love buzz

And now I even like the taste of cigarettes

That are in your mouth and felt when I kiss you


(Datas: 09 e 24 de Abril e 15 de Maio de 2017)

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