A certain loneliness

Ten o'clock, time to rock

Time to wake up and wash my socks

While my mind drifts in the past

Why do I always finish last?

Tired of enjoying my thoughts, I

I just want to see

If there's a star on the road for me

Or at least a dinner table seat

I, I can't help but cry

Thinking 'bout how I believed your lies

Gave my heart to someone rotten

Just for it to be forgotten

Gave my precious time and care

While all my conscience said "beware"

I didn't listen

Thought this time I would be forgiven

Thought this time I had a chance

to love like any other man

To give love and feel it back

But instead I just got


Daniel Bento
Enviado por Daniel Bento em 13/11/2017
Reeditado em 13/11/2017
Código do texto: T6170935
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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