15 feb 2017

Disagreed of remembering the dream and not tell'em. Disagreed cause dream belong you. Cause it was mine, but talked about you. Disagreed cause you never keep a dream when it tell our secrets. Cause the secret, was you that told me. And i dreamt without knowin'. But when i did and recall, that dream was yours not mine, i refuse to keep it locked. Refuse because melancholy was too sweet. And nostalgy draws down my temple. Disagreed cause it taste honey. Was bitter like amphetamine and made me sweat. Was insipid like ácid and made hallucinate. Refuse because i can't keep a secret. Refuse because was much of dream for not sharin' with anyone.

Raul Nini
Enviado por Raul Nini em 26/04/2017
Reeditado em 26/04/2017
Código do texto: T5981642
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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