For me!

Time flies, but we don't believe or we don't notice. Poor and happy childhood! Games and beans and rice on the table... Our parents' efforts made us safe. A simple toy was a cause for celebration! Play with friends, bathe in the rain… The miracle of TV...

In childhood, the world was very small. Every day, a show in the village: amusement park, circus, romantic music to brighten the place… Does the human being only realize happiness when it passes?

In the childlike universe, at nightfall, conversations with groups of friends of any age. Diverse stories. Dreams... Yes, we dreamed. We were in our spaces, safe. Our parents were strong (apparently).

In northeastern Brazil, the concern was with hunger and the lack of rain. In the capital, they said: “study if you want to be a person in life”! Our parents: they were not so studied, but honest workers, full of love. We respected, honored and feared parents.

At Christmas and December 31, the village was celebrating. For children, magical time to believe in Noel. Anxious time to wake up and have a gift... In the morning, frustration: no gift from Noel. The children said to themselves: “it's a lot for Santa Claus, maybe next year”! Time that never comes back! Happy and unforgettable time...

Professora Ana Paula
Enviado por Professora Ana Paula em 21/02/2021
Código do texto: T7189720
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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