I simply want to say that life is a sister of death as death is a sister of life that there is probably a term of construction that we are simply walking along a path that we should seek real proof about the existence of life on mortals that in the most thoughtful way of build, build and evolve the human being who has undergone a metamorphosis that would be effectively the opposite of dying over a fatality that we see life distracted by in a context of witnessing its existence and affection of going through a more different side than we casually seek certainties about the uncertainties that naturally must have a construction that puts everything in harmony as well as a deconstruction that puts everything in total disaffection that we call the round trip time that is written in the bible that God created the sky and the sea and men built a very fine source about his relations with life that always emanated from us in a context of revealing to us and showing the realities of day by day that by a mismatch of time and two days everything becomes the target of circumstances of love and hate where man can understand and understand his needs for evolution and origin that completed him ten from the beginning of the world in which god created Adam and Eve in paradise and as the holy bible says and they committed a perdition for eating from the tree of life and were expelled from paradise and the world materialized on a metamorphosis in which man is a god as of the beginning that the gods built the mount Olympus and that made the human being understand about his desires and thoughts as life and death should be like a dream of entry and exit in which the world would be found possessed of pleasure and will and everyone would enjoy all the needs that life and its relativities if a domain was established between human beings and animals that would effectively and in everything, stop at their abilities, rations, complicities, understandings and actions in which man could establish a conduct or doctrine between tribes and bands that made the world and apprehended what life taught him and understood about death and life that simply should establish a logic of remaining intact about their natures more than probable, uncertainties more than dispensable with the formalized being in a primate man between a duel with the dinosaurs until the contemporary age that established an identity more closely resembles the deconstructions and constructions of life, leaving the earth as a creative emanation of a phenomenal existence of the living being that became man and woman and animals have been preserved over all the modalities that supposedly also man may have come from the monkey as a primitive man and that the world originated from a great explosion caused by an asteroid in which it destroyed the face of the earth and everything started from nothing as it is also said that the world originated from a great explosion in which the universe was densely hot and that everything was formalized particles in atoms in which life on earth was formed, establishing human beings and animals in which the word of god originates as an emanation of events from a link that we can simply say that we were built and formalized on an alchemy more focused on absinthe how an essence would have taken the shape of a snake as the world improved within a natural harmonization of nature between four constructive elements that emanates life in the air, in water, on earth and in fire in which its geniuses can formalize us on an atom and logic in which matter would be part of everything and in all a smaller fraction of an element in which the atomic particles would be or would be in a small interval of time in which they would form in an atomic body called an atom between time and space, the universe becoming more between spaces, leaving everything and creating everything about an escape route that originated planetary life and its exit and entrance devices as creation and destruction in which god would be a homogeneous factor of the universe and omnipotent of all the things in which they were created in a context of construction and destruction, with god being among various questions of clairvoyance between life as a light, as emanation of life and hatred as destruction of death also known as the devil that represents the flames, the eternal fire of god emanated by the devil who is the god himself in the form of light in representation of the life that supposedly never disappeared and had always risen above all the things of the paradise that would be a place of departure for all souls in which we formalize ourselves as heaven and hell would be the dark side of life that would symbolize the devil in which he would take the lamas to purgatory as a penalty and mortal sin over life and death and the world would not another conduct would be established, but heaven and hell as a representation of life and death thenre one god as there was only one god and the devil that in two ways would establish one as the world also originated as a great explosion giving way out and escapes as everything was formed and formalized leaving the earth a place of to live and die in which the two spheres are more showing us that the greatest sin and not believing in God and salvation would be to believe in God the Almighty Creator of the heavens and the earth in which life has always revealed its mysteries to us both depths of heaven and earth that have always rebelled us for various purposes of light and darkness, with life becoming something superlative about a prodigal nature that has always formalized us for its existence and subsistence in which they are known as the good and the bad becoming everything in light and in darkness, life becoming something just like a circle in which we can live and die as construction and destruction of life because of death, which is dark, cold when life would be more subtle because it is light, white, warm being all about an alchemy of a phenomenal existence in which we can symbolize its capacity, complicity and construction in an emanation of time and space in which the universe can perhaps always expand us on its vibrational and pulsating flows and it itself expands by being subtle and destroying itself because it is always dense over an atmosphere warmer than the earth forming in everything and for all a forgotten space in which the hours, minutes and seconds are totaled in a smaller fraction of time forming in atoms and always giving more spatiality to its size and I want to say that life is a sister of death as death is a sister of life that there is probably a construction term that we are simply walking along a path that we should look for real proof about the existence of life on mortals who most thoughtful way of constructing, constructing and evolving the human being went through a metamorphosis that would be effectively the opposite of dying on a fatality that we see life distracted in a context of witnessing its existence and affection of going through a more different side that we casually seek the certainties about the uncertainties that naturally must have a construction that puts everything in harmony as well as a deconstruction that puts everything in total disaffection we call the round trip time in which we can certainly live and we certainly prevail true life.

And I want for a simple notion to witness everything that God did, like perhaps a fabulous construction calendar and that everything can be contained in a magic circle in which everyone has always followed as a source, circuit or energy, world and that we can find the paradise of the bankrupt and embarrassed and everything is in a context in which everything that God created he also did about its relevance, pulsations and extensions in which we cannot doubt the hidden aspects and that everything and everything was always in his image as God always did and created you because it was god who made you.

We found a set of words that are above a term that in my philosophy everything that God creates with love is built with a feeling about the living nature of a being who would be more eager to understand him because in him everything is clearer as the sunlight that is showing us on the bright side of life the beautiful things we cling to that we simply do not attack because it is made of love that is over any void that breaks over the human inability to be happy or to love someone in life who simply he is not being enlightened before God because they are relapsed of a divine nature that cannot be likened to the true being that God made and created over all things in paradise that we could not deceive him with the negative uncertainties that insolate life before soft light of god that is on all things deep and at altitudes that we will someday be able to understand his space and time on our realities that are not so extensive when there is no light from our schools shynesses that are over any elevated feelings to life that we might not have understood his love and existence in our lives because in everything God did, he created the paradise of the bankrupt and embarrassed who perverted from the bad about the truth that cannot remain silent, invisible about everything what god created on the land of obstinate and uncertain men of controversial compassions about an unfaithful desire that perhaps a child would humanly bring this love to be more alive on the electricity that consoles our thoughts and makes us believe that the world is perfect and that we can still be happy and that perhaps we will remain intact constructively on the pretexts of god who made us enlightened by the fury of the teaching love that loves us and makes us love what is good to see and feel pleasure because life would simply be a sounding board where your rhythm can melody us about all the positive forms and forces of life that never bend rammed over the shadows that break behind the light of day trying to forget the fear of darkness that plagues the innocent who will still know the world how beautiful and perfect it is because god made you over all aspects that were not destroyed and make you feel good the truth of the loves that were not absorbed by god or that any anonymity that could have been prescribed by the word of god as they say that angels are more careful to stay alive and annoyed by the transformation of the existence of god over mortals who are consumed by madness, farce, emotional illusion that will anger the minds of men who have not yet understood to simplify their love for life as loving God over all the things that are inevitable and together we can always unite because it was god who made you and the stars of heaven as perhaps an ire that one day we can thank you and ask you to be faithful to him as a straight arrow without deviation that cannot be of our incontentable nature to the world that can and become an illusion to the weakest without love who may feel that they were made of the flower of paradise that we will unforgettable always find what we seek because we simply learn to love and hate to consolidate ourselves on all aspects of being happy for many years that the pulsating and creative life of certain devices remain that someday we will understand his pleasures and everything that God created because we are children of God and we experience the light of life in our eyes and faces that show us how beautiful we are and become strengthened in our memory that we witness our love for life as we pacify in the material planes the seeds that we simply keep in the soul of our thoughts that is completed on the forms and conquests that we have reached in life as a state of time on the occasion of graces that we learn to value the life that we plagues with the foolishness of youth and let us see that everything that god created would be perfect because we are likeness of god and in me my philosophy i just want to say that if it was god who made us we are innate or homogeneous that through the anonymity of hidden affections we could complete ourselves about his love that he made us because we would not be alive to be happy about some inferior indifference of his nature that stays for how long with no unfavorable expression to the only affection that made us greater over all that we are like love that we may not be able to say from the inside out in a few more that is simplified in the divine theory that everything that God created was with love and we learn from life less or more with his artifacts to value what god did because we would not be so small and big in the hand of god who completed us over his image and love that can never be small over all the hidden affections that unleash the pure realistic compassion of living, loving and be happy because in a few years or perhaps millennia from the depths of our souls we will one day find ourselves free from hell in paradise.

Life and death would certainly be sisters of a contradiction in which we simplify in everything that life formalizes us, perhaps in that everything may have deaths as if there is life in which there is also life and there is also death that we simply want to say that the world was created of construction in representation of the good with the light, love and life as well as the world was destroyed of deconstruction in representation of the evil with dark, hatred and death leaving the life and the death as a setback of a return emanation in which god may be contained and would be indivisible between the two terms classified as life and death as well as an explanation of life and death would also be logical, with life and death and love and hate being more than a term.

Everything is in perfect union and in everything existence does not stop with its rhythm that makes us say that we are alive today and maybe tomorrow we will die of something generated by the destiny traced by death that in life keeps on untiring different people from different places in one sum of points that life will not connect for the same sum of points that life has to create, everything being in a natural equality in which we take our commitments with the realities of life and we will not fear the negative death that walks and unravels everything in life in which god creates in a sovereign equality of one day everything joins the same dust for another time to start with everything else life.

Whether you are poor or rich, you will not differentiate between this issue that we should be aware of and if we take care of a mission of peace, health and love for our neighbors that you accompany every second of your life every day as we also accompany and learn to preserve the our lives and yes we will and will always be alive with our families, relatives and friendly people who love us as much as we love them and will feel their passage to infinity when their time comes and we will pay with gratitude our charities and love for their trip to paradise whatever this paradise the sky or else the hell and may god protect him from every bad amen.

Life with its vital white color shows us a paradise full of love and health in which we laugh and cry with joy and learn to love and hate staying all for a sentimental notion of our lives and death with its matte black color shows us a dark place where you go to the other side of life and we could even meet and everything is about the measures of the border where heaven and hell are and maybe someday we can meet and be happy together somewhere and talk about the past and that the memories remain in our minds and we will wish to realize some fantasy even if they were past and we will be able to meet and do it there in a matter of love and friendship.

I know that it is too difficult to understand life and death because they are sisters and have an inequality in a contour in life to persist with their rhythms among human beings and always leave us curious and amazed by their changes in our paths that are short or long to someday wash the soul and forgive our mistakes until the angels arrive until god in heavenly paradise and we are all prepared.

I simply do not believe in death because I think that nothing in this world dies because it is just a start to another life in which we can say that we are free and have no imperfections in our lives and that life will show us better how we are outside of our own. world and we could be even better by the way we identify with our souls and everything will be in perfect harmony and the fear of death will no longer exist and we will not feel any imperfection as opposed to death which will simply be life. In the same way the pulsating universe is always giving life and at the same time destroyed all of them in a smaller fraction of the best atom and together we can think that one day our existences will not be lost and we will be lords of an immortal time and that we will always remain I live for it on a supernatural plane and we can clearly say that we can make life a combination of things that we might not be able to do here and we are totally free.

I love life as much as life loves me and is always in perfect harmony with me and heaven may someday be our home and we will live an eternal life and we can complete our understandings that can take us to the heavens or the universe!

It is as you say that in life there are two existing factors that rubble us by the benign and evil force that nature proposes to us and establishes us by a similarity to the impulses created by a certain existence as a setback of light and darkness that needs and makes us. suffer in everything in life by an unequal inequality of life that afflicts man in his conscious as well as unconscious state that in mere circumstances his will, desire, love and hate have no affective normalities of moral character and personal conduct that is a mental corporation on its emotional effects that make you live according to your life or delicate human nature that always seeks an answer in the passage of time in which everything is for a fraction of a second due to the harsh occasion of destinations that compromises us from factors unmatched by the hard and real reality of our lives.

In a great perspective, it is said that love is a key to relationships for well-being that by a friendlier nature completes us and makes us understand how much we are friends and everyone is perfect for an equality of good that is present in a beneficial circle that will show us how much we will always have and will always prosper by an evolutionary and future discipline at a step that we will never forget our values and compassion for our lives that are always being strengthened by false human bonds created by a precarious and suffering society with the bad attributes related to the life that makes us perish and suffer misery, failure and madness to the unnecessary fact of good and evil that are two debatable factors that bend on a vast occasion and personal relationships that make us react in a mind that already born empowered and exhausted by the negative darkness of life against the positive light of life that is the good of love transferred by fantasies and illusions materials experienced in the full life of a being who feels and keeps in his mind all the personal and moral fraternity of a world characterized by good and evil that we call love and hate that brings us both happiness and the emotional hell effected by relationships and projections of life that is subsistence of light that means love for others and death that is subsistence of darkness that means hatred for others that in everything and with everything goes by a formality of life both on earth and in the universe in a pulse of construction and destruction that in the end had created a moral purpose that had served our souls both on earth and in heaven as a processor thrills le vibrational of all the circumstances generated and created by all the occasions of life in a positive and negative process that in everything and with everything represented the love transformed into hate for the good that they feel for always loving so much to hate if representing the transformed hate in love for evil that they also felt for always hating so much to love, representing love transformed into hatred for good that they never failed to understand and never understand the true case and chance of the very nature and existence and non-existence that complete life between two comparable and incomparable desires that you call distanced by a base and relationship of nature both on earth and in the sky that in science there are no limits at all there are sciences for everything that have always shown us the most complex true identity of an unbridled infinity of a great understanding of fight reaction built and destroyed by a full evolutionary reality of life as a daily route to a both lower and upper plexus that have always come together in one to give the best suggestion and way of life for a human being.

In the masculine noun, love means strong affection for another person, born out of ties of consanguinity or social relationships. Attraction based on sexual desire. In the masculine noun, hatred means intense aversion to ger. motivated by fear, anger or injury suffered; hatefulness. The hated person or thing.

There is also heaven and hell, which in religiosity are two representations of two paths and spiritual planes that represent the clear side of life, which is good in accordance with divine love or good personal intention, which comes from within itself as well as there is the dark side of life which is evil in accordance with demonic hatred or personal evil intent more than it comes from within itself as a negative repulsion of life that would not lead anywhere by the mere circumstance of life for being weakened to failure sudden in life clearly differentiated from the clear good intention of life which is the good that distorts the dark side of life and when this question does not have itself the black path of evil is hatred causing death itself in a simplified way its own end as mental laws and logical questions of life.

There are paths that reveal an infinity of moral concepts that, in the resumption of life, we benefit from body and soul through a constructive infinity that reminds us that we are spiritual beings who suffer these discharges of subtle energy from our souls by unbalanced factors that lead us in the end more prone to react against the harsh and severe realities of life that oppress our nerves and bring down our fundamental consciences in a logical contraction and badly reconstructed by various emotional declines that makes us prejudiced against the social well-being that it provides us to see , live and understand the struggle for survival of this well informed or poorly constructed between a mental plane of an emotional nature to a prejudiced world in which we live and learn to live and to understand the best question of love and hate that are in two perfect combinations that make it impossible for us to see the bright side that is the good of life and the dark side that is the ol adopted the evil of life in a fraternity untouched by a feeling overwhelmed by the circumstances generated by life itself, remaining in everything and with everything subject to love and hate.

Life is a very broad concept and has several definitions. It can refer to the ongoing process of which living beings are a part; the time between conception and death of an organism to the condition of an entity that was born and has not yet died; and what makes a being alive. Metaphysically, life is a continuous process of relationships. As simple as it may seem, it is still very difficult for scientists to define life clearly. Many philosophers try to define it as a "phenomenon that animates matter". In general, an entity is traditionally considered to be a living being if it exhibits all of the following phenomena at least once during its existence, Development: passing through several distinct and sequential stages, ranging from conception to death.

1. Growth: absorption and cumulative reorganization of matter from the environment; with the excretion of excesses and "unwanted" products.

2. Movement: indoors (cell dynamics), whether or not accompanied by locomotion in the environment.

3. Reproduction: ability to generate an entity similar to itself.

4. Response to stimuli: the ability to "feel" and evaluate the properties of the environment and to act selectively in response to possible changes in such conditions.

5. Evolution: the ability of successive generations to transform gradually and adapt to the environment.

These criteria have their uses, but their disparate nature makes them unsatisfactory from more than one perspective; in fact, it is not difficult to find contraexamples, as well as examples that require further elaboration. For example, according to the aforementioned criteria, it could be said that fire has life.

Such a situation could easily be remedied by adding the requirement of spatial limitation, that is, the presence of some mechanism that delimits the spatial extent of the living being, such as, for example, the cell membrane in typical living beings. Such an approach solves the case of fire, however it additionally leads to new problems such as the definition of an individual in organisms such as most fungi and certain herbaceous plants, and does not definitively solve the problem, as it could still be said that:

• the stars are alive, for reasons still similar to those of fire.

• geodes could also be considered living beings.

• Viruses and the like are not living beings because they do not grow and cannot reproduce outside the host cell; case extensible to many external parasites.

If we limit ourselves to "conventional" organisms, some additional criteria could be considered in search of a more precise definition:

1. Presence of molecular components such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids.

2. Composition by one or more cells.

3. Maintenance of homeostasis.

4. Speciation ability.

However, even in these cases, some impasses would still be detected. For example, all life on Earth is based on the chemistry of carbon compounds, called organic chemistry. Some argue that this must be the case for all possible forms of life in the universe; others describe this position as carbon chauvinism, considering, for example, the possibility of life based on silicon.

More settings

The definition of "life" by Francisco Varela and Humberto Maturana (widely used by Lynn Margulis) is that of an autopoietic (self-generating) water-based system, lipoprotein limits, carbon metabolism, replication by nucleic acids and protein regulation , a system of lower negative returns subordinated to a higher positive return. Stuart Kauffman defines it as an agent or system of autonomous agents capable of reproducing and completing at least one thermodynamic work cycle.

Robert Pirsig's definition can be found in his book Lila: An Inquiry into Morals, as everything that maximizes its range of future possibilities, that is, everything that makes decisions that result in a greater number of possible futures, or that keeps the largest number of open options.

Biochemists have defined life as a set of molecules that, in their mutual interactions, develop a program of self-regulation whose end result is the perpetuation of the same collection of molecules. A dynamic balance that, when exchanging matter and energy with the environment, allows the reduction of entropy. There are possibly more possibilities for defining life, since it can be conceptualized based on the meaning attributed to "living".

Modified descent: a useful feature

A useful characteristic on which a definition of life can be based is that of modified descendants: the ability of a given life form to generate descendants similar to the parents, but with the possibility of some variation due to chance.

The modified offspring is sufficient in itself to allow evolution, provided that the variation between offspring gives different probabilities of survival. The study of this form of heredity as seen in nature is called genetics. In all known excluded forms of life and prisons, which are not considered to be living beings, however viruses and viroids are included, the classification is still uncertain - the genetic material consists mainly of DNA or the other common nucleic acid, RNA.

A criticism of this criterion arises when considering the code of certain forms of viruses and computer programs structured through genetic programming: the question of computer programs can be considered living beings, given this definition, is certainly a controversial subject.

Exceptions to the common definition

Many organisms are unable to reproduce and yet are living beings, like mules and worker ants. However, these exceptions can be taken into account by applying the definition of life at the species or individual gene level. However, new questions about this approach are inevitable when considering specific topics such as kinship selection, which provides additional information about the possibility of non-reproductive individuals being able to, nevertheless, increase the dispersion of their genes and the survival of their strain.

As for the two cases where fire and stars fit the definition of life, both can be easily remedied by defining metabolism in a more biochemically precise way. In their book Fundamentals of Biochemistry, Donald and Judith Voet define metabolism as follows:

"Metabolism is the general process by which living systems acquire and use the free energy they need to perform their various functions. They do this by combining the exoergic reactions of nutrient oxidation with the endoergic processes necessary for maintaining the living state, such as carrying out mechanical work, the active transport of molecules against concentration gradients, and the biosynthesis of complex molecules. "

This definition, used by most biochemists, makes it clear that fire is not alive, as it releases all the oxidative energy from its fuel in an "explosive" reaction, in the form of heat.

Viruses reproduce, flames grow, machines move, some computer programs mutate, evolve and, in the future, are likely to exhibit highly complex behaviors; however, they are not living beings via such a definition. On the other hand, at the origin of life, cells with metabolism without a reproductive system may well have existed. Most, however, also do not consider these entities as living beings, and generally all five characteristics must be present for a being to be considered alive.

Modern biological definition

In the face of this impasse, in view of the most current definition and apart from the proposals that are not factually corroborated, they certainly know that, biologically, life is a natural phenomenon that can be described as a continuous process of metabolic chemical reactions occurring in an evolutionarily structured environment. in order to make the occurrence and maintenance of such reactions conducive; which are always made under direct or indirect control of a group of special molecules, deoxyribonucleic acids, or simply DNA.

The presence of DNA or, in an "equivalent" way, RNA, is currently a necessary condition for the definition of a living being, however it is still debated whether the presence of a potentially functional form of this molecule is a sufficient condition to define it. The classification of viruses as living beings or not is still uncertain.

Life in the religious context

The concept of life is notorious enough not to go unnoticed by religious. It is based on the principle of life or the existence of the soul (in Christian belief, being exclusive to humans); in animated existence (from the Latin term anima) in the case; or the duration of the animated existence of an individual or entity.

From a Christian perspective, in the biblical case, as for terrestrial, physical life, things that have life, in general, have the capacity for growth, metabolism, reaction to external stimuli, and reproduction. The Hebrew word used in the Bible and the Greek word, The Hebrew word and the Greek term meaning "soul", are also used to refer to life, not in an abstract sense, but to life as a person or animal. Compare the words "soul" and "life" as used in the Book of Job, chapter 10, verse 1; Psalms, chapter 66, verse 9; Book of Proverbs, chapter 3, verse 22. According to the Bible, vegetation has life, operating in it the principle of life, but not life as a soul. Life in the fullest sense, as applied to intelligent beings, is the perfect existence entitled to the soul. The concept within the religious faith transcends, however, modern science and biology, with no support of any modern scientific nature that corroborates the existence of the soul. Animism has long been dismissed by science in this case.

Origin of life

The origin of life raises scientific, religious and philosophical questions.

There is still no consensual model for the origin of life, but most models currently accepted are based in one way or another on the following findings:

1. Plausible prebiotic conditions result in the creation of the simplest organic molecules, as demonstrated by the Urey-Miller experiment.

2. Phospholipids spontaneously form double layers, the basic structure of the cell membrane.

3. Processes for the random production of RNA molecules can produce ribozymes capable of replicating under certain conditions.

4. The tree of life converges all known living beings to a single point of common ancestry.

There are many different hypotheses regarding the path taken from simple organic molecules to protocells and metabolism. Most possibilities tend either to the primacy of genes or the primacy of metabolism; a recent trend is to look for hybrid models that combine aspects of both approaches.

According to astronomer and astrophysicist Thomas Gold, the Deep and Hot Biosphere Theory indicates that there is strong evidence that microbial life is extremely widespread in the depth of the Earth's crust. In line with such a theory, life has been identified at various locations in the deep ocean, linked to primordial gas emanations. This life is not dependent on solar energy and photosynthesis as its main source of energy supply, and is essentially independent of circircumstances of the earth's surface. Its energy supply comes from chemical sources, due to the ascending fluids, coming from deeper levels on Earth. Single-celled beings living in such environments are now classified into their own super-realm, the Archaea, and can very well guard the mechanisms that gave rise to the first living beings.

According to the theory, in mass and volume this deep biosphere can be comparable to all surface life. Such a microbial life could, in principle, explain the presence of biological molecules in all carbonaceous materials in the crust, and considering that these materials are entirely from biological deposits accumulated on the surface would therefore not necessarily be valid.

Life as known could be found in a generalized hypothesis also within planetary bodies of our Solar System or even in isolated objects wandering in interstellar space; since many of them have conditions as adequate for this to happen as those found in certain situations here on earth, although still constituting totally inhospitable environments on their surfaces for almost all living beings. It can even be speculated that the only alternative is for life to be widely distributed in the universe, inhabiting from planetary bodies in our solar system to other star systems. Today, it is known that our periodic table is responsible for describing all the chemistry in the universe.

Life as we know it is based on carbon and water, and energy is usually obtained via the presence of oxygen, whether it is free in the air or being released through the reduction of compounds such as oxides, sulfates, and others. Carbon sources are related to primordial hydrocarbons, especially methane. Such primordial substances are widely distributed in the universe, and to consider that the processes that originated them occurred only here on Earth is for many, in these terms, at least a lot of pretension. An extension of this argument leads us to the panspermia hypothesis.

Speculations aside, in fact, however, life as it is known almost certainly arose and certainly evolved on Earth. According to physicist Marcelo Gleiser in his book "Imperfect Creation", life would have appeared on Earth about 4 billion years ago. The first fossil records of life date back to the stromatolites formed in the paleoarquean era of the Archean eon, some 3.430 billion years ago.

Nature, in its broadest sense, is equivalent to the "natural world" or "physical universe". The term "nature" refers to the phenomena of the physical world, and also to life in general. It generally does not include man-made objects.

The word "nature" comes from the Latin word natura, which means "essential quality, innate disposition, the course of things and the universe itself". Natura is the Latin translation of the Greek word physis, which in its original meaning referred to the innate form that plants and animals spontaneously grow. The concept of nature as a whole - the physical universe - is a more recent concept that has acquired an increasingly broad use with the development of the modern scientific method in recent centuries. Within the various current uses of this word, "nature" can refer to the general domain of different types of living things, such as plants and animals, and in some cases to the processes associated with inanimate objects - the way in which the different particular types of animals exist. things and their spontaneous changes, as well as atmospheric weather, the geology of the Earth and the matter and energy these beings have. It is often considered to mean "natural surroundings": wild animals, rocks, forests, beaches, and in general all things that have not been substantially altered by humans, or persist despite human intervention. This more traditional concept of natural things implies a distinction between the natural and the artificial, the latter understood as something done by a mind or a conscience.


Latin, natura, comp. by the natus theme, p.pass. de Nascere = To be born and Urus = Suffix of the future participle of Oritur = To arise, to generate, the force that generates.

What appears, which occurs by birth. What it is and does by birth according to universal laws applied to a precise context. Order or system of laws that precede the existence of things and the succession of beings. The set of all beings that make up the universe. Essence and inherent quality of a being. Also understood as "quality, nature, genius, type, character" of a being.


A paw with its young

Although there is no universal consensus on the definition of life, scientists generally accept that the biological manifestation of life is characterized by the following factors or functions: organization, metabolism, growth, adaptation, response to stimuli and reproduction, Living beings (plant kingdoms) , animals, fungi, protistas, archaea and bacteria) have these properties in common: they are made up of cells have a complex organization based on water and carbon metabolism and have the ability to grow, respond to stimuli, and reproduce. Therefore, an entity that satisfies these properties is considered to be alive.

The biosphere is the part of the outermost layer of the planet Earth, including air, earth, surface rocks and water, and it is in this part where life has evolved, and where they are made and transform biotic processes. From a very broad view of geophysics, the biosphere is the global ecological system that integrates all living beings and their relationships, including their interaction with the elements of the lithosphere (rocks), hydrosphere (water), and atmosphere (air). Currently, it is estimated that the Earth contains about 75 billion tonnes (7.5 kg x 1013) of biomass, which is present in various environments within the biosphere. About nine tenths of the Earth's total biomass is plant life, on which animal life depends for survival. To date, over 2 million species of plants and animals have been identified, and estimates of the actual number of existing species range from a few million to up to 50 million species. The number of existing species varies constantly, as new ones appear and others cease to exist in a continuous dynamic. Currently, the total number of species is undergoing a rapid decline.

I simply want to say that life is a sister of death as death is a sister of life that there is probably a term of construction that we are simply walking along a path that we should seek real proof about the existence of life on mortals that in the most thoughtful way of build, build and evolve the human being who has undergone a metamorphosis that would be effectively the opposite of dying over a fatality that we see life distracted by in a context of witnessing its existence and affection of going through a more different side than we casually seek certainties about the uncertainties that naturally must have a construction that puts everything in harmony as well as a deconstruction that puts everything in total disaffection that we call the round trip time that is written in the bible that God created the sky and the sea and men built a very fine source about his relations with life that always emanated from us in a context of revealing to us and showing the realities of day by day that by a mismatch of time and two days everything becomes the target of circumstances of love and hate where man can understand and understand his needs for evolution and origin that completed him ten from the beginning of the world in which god created Adam and Eve in paradise and as the holy bible says and they committed a perdition for eating from the tree of life and were expelled from paradise and the world materialized on a metamorphosis in which man is a god as of the beginning that the gods built the mount Olympus and that made the human being understand about his desires and thoughts as life and death should be like a dream of entry and exit in which the world would be found possessed of pleasure and will and everyone would enjoy all the needs that life and its relativities if a domain was established between human beings and animals that would effectively and in everything, stop at their abilities, rations, complicities, understandings and actions in which man could establish a conduct or doctrine between tribes and bands that made the world and apprehended what life taught him and understood about death and life that simply should establish a logic of remaining intact about their natures more than probable, uncertainties more than dispensable with the formalized being in a primate man between a duel with the dinosaurs until the contemporary age that established an identity more closely resembles the deconstructions and constructions of life, leaving the earth as a creative emanation of a phenomenal existence of the living being that became man and woman and animals have been preserved over all the modalities that supposedly also man may have come from the monkey as a primitive man and that the world originated from a great explosion caused by an asteroid in which it destroyed the face of the earth and everything started from nothing as it is also said that the world originated from a great explosion in which the universe was densely hot and that everything was formalized particles in atoms in which life on earth was formed, establishing human beings and animals in which the word of god originates as an emanation of events from a link that we can simply say that we were built and formalized on an alchemy more focused on absinthe how an essence would have taken the shape of a serpent as the world improved within a natural harmonization of nature between four constructive elements that emanate life in the air, water, earth and fire in which its geniuses can formalize us about an atom and logic in which matter would be part of everything and in all of a smaller fraction of an element in which the atomic particles would be or would be in a small interval of time in which they would form in an atomic body called of an atom between time and space, the universe becoming more between spaces, leaving everything and creating everything about an escape from the planetary life and its ways of leaving and entering as creation and destruction in which god would be a homogeneous factor of the universe and omnipotent of all the things in which they were created in a context of construction and destruction, being god among various questions of clairvoyance between life as a light, as emanation of life and hatred as destruction of death also known as the devil that represents the flames , the eternal fire of god emanated by the devil who is the god himself in the form of light in representation of life that supposedly never disappeared and had always risen above all the things of paradise that would be a place of departure for all souls in which we formalize ourselves as heaven and hell would be the dark side of life that would symbolize the devil in which he would take the lamas to purgatory as a penalty and mortal sin over life and death and the world would not establish another conduct, but heaven and hell as a representation of life and death between a single god as there was only one god and the devil who in two forms would establish one as the world it also originated as a big explosion giving out and entering escapes as everything was formed and formalized leaving the land a place to live and dies in which the two spheres are more showing us that greater sin and not believing in god and salvation it would be to believe in God the Almighty Creator of the heavens and the earth in which life has always revealed its mysteries to us both in the depths of heaven and earth, which has always rebelled us over various purposes of light and darkness, with life being something superlative about a prodigious nature that has always formalized us for its existence and subsistence in which they are known as the good and the bad, becoming everything in light and in darkness, with life becoming something just like a circle in which we can live and die as the construction and destruction of life because of the death that is dark, cold when life would be more subtle because it is light, white, warm, being all about an alchemy of a phenomenal existence in which we can symbolize its capacity, complicity and construction in an emanation of time and space in how much the universe can always expand us on its vibrational and pulsating flows and it itself expands by being subtle and destroying itself by always being dense under an atmosphere warmer than the earth forming in everything and for all a forgotten space in which they are totaled the hours, minutes and seconds in a smaller fraction of time forming in atoms and always giving more space to its size and I mean that life is sister to mother or as death is the sister of life, there is probably a term of construction that we are simply following along a path that we should look for real proof about the existence of life on mortals that in the most thoughtful way of building, building and evolution the human being went through a metamorphosis that would be effectively the opposite of dying on a fatality that we see life being distracted by in a context of witnessing its existence and affection of going through a more different side than we casually seek the certainties about the uncertainties that naturally must have a construction that puts everything in harmony as well as a deconstruction that puts everything in total disaffection that we call a round trip time in which we can certainly live and certainly prevail true life.

Perhaps we are living or passing on a story that today we can fully understand its most complete value that distinguishes us from realizing perhaps between the love that makes us hate and love about a feeling that we can feel and that our feelings go unnoticed to really love a woman who we are still predominating our wills over certain things we dream of and we think that there is little or more performance among our wills that we are still learning today to conquer life and perhaps we are still or are precarious in our wills to achieve something that gives us pleasure under certain circumstances in which well we say that we can dominate something that favors us between maybe our will and that there may be indifference between the love of a woman that simply makes us love her existence better than we can and we go unnoticed about an improper will to prevail over a duel that in the past like itself says that the ancients called and costu between certain ways of loving and dying for love between the struggle and the desperation to find a true explanation between the conquest of facing a woman and between her prejudices and orgeyes that maybe we can say that we were all attracted by the fury of the overwhelming desire that makes us maintain that we all fall together in that moment when we are attracted by the will and beauty of a true woman even though we are different about our love that we sigh in hate that we suspect the truth that we only want to contain among themselves in the midst of a catastrophic, prejudiced world that we suffer slightly from hurt and social conviviality that is teaching us perhaps to find a more desirable answer to our courage that we can someday understand the sentimental strength of a woman who it shows us and makes us enjoy our disabilities without feeling pain because we are among a desire that the love of a woman that makes us love with body and soul and that would simply lead us to a flowable and incomparable paradise that would hold our hearts by force that would biologically change over our organic functions that would only enter those between both things that would look like paradise would more than sentimentally fill our voids as a cure that makes man groan without feeling pain as an expression of healing for love amid a desire that we can someday understand about love that is enough that nothing in this world will cover us between certain fantasies that make us realize our desires that we are always valuing a woman and her predominant aspects as reflections of an adventurous life that makes us know certain paths that make us withdraw from our consciences that society will always end he discriminates among poor women, dismissed by uncertain men who may still be able to value a true woman more than ever in everyone, never say goodbye to his enjoyment because he is among many undesirable people, even though they are all the same and show us his value that just makes us groan. without feeling pain and that we can see and see what their faces mean to us, inside the soul like an emotional fluid that we lack, it makes us dusk and we fall between her feminine eyes as we feel attracted by her nature and physical beauty that we will never forget and leave behind on a margin where we can someday understand her magnitude. motivate between a desire to love that makes us moan of that desire among a feminist aspect in which makes us moan without feeling pain.

I want to talk about a past that dominates us in a context that simplifies love about the magnificent pleasure of a woman in which we tell about several stories even in songs that the man for being exuberant and mischievous does not contain himself to the pleasure of a woman in whom his hatred becomes fearful as it proves that his emotions are under the fascination of preserving his love that perhaps we can well say that we are learning to live and to love still on an effect that makes us feel divided between emotional means in which almost everything makes us perish. domains of life in which we take as a key to existence the pure beauty and fineness of a beautiful woman who may lack pleasure and that everything had changed about a resistance of love and pleasure in which enjoyment would be justified by a classification in which we suppose to be free incapacities about a charm that we can fantasize about certain people that just can make us win what we’re looking for and that this thing can match us and what makes us was to truly understand its value from the depths of the soul in which it has transcended us over a process in which we can remove the true feeling from pain no matter how much we are not combined about the same existence and that everything will lead us to the pleasure in which this honest fraction we enjoy our wills without feeling pain as an expression of this music that the woman has in her face two brilliant as it reflects us as a soul and calls our wills and that we can enjoy this paradise that we dispense with everything in life at this time when we can say that make love and leave the setbacks that rub us in life behind us and enjoy the pleasure of the flesh without feeling pain and remain together on two faces that at the bottom can unite forever in life.

It all starts with a fight between the Greeks and the Trojans for Elena, Menélau's wife. We tell the story of a wooden horse that ended a ten-year war. Menélau, the greatest of the Spartans, defeated Palís the great seducer, humiliating Hector's family in capricious honor, beautiful and affectionate young woman makes the man moan without feeling pain.

Alexandre the inhuman figure founder of the famous Alexandria conquered in Greece and destroyed almost the entire population of Tebana, Roxana's attractive beauty dominated the greatest conqueror and after winning is the winner she gave herself to pay more than beautiful, beautiful and loving young woman makes man moan without feeling pain, the woman has two sparkles on her face when two fies of their destinies, who does not love the female smile does not know the poetry of Cervantes, the bravery of the great navigators facing the sky in their healing if it were not for the woman of Maus the flower would be a liar, a beautiful and affectionate young woman makes the man moan without feeling pain, Vigulino Ferreira o Lampião bandoleiro of the jungles northeastern without fear of danger or ruin, he was the king of cangaço do sertão, yet another day he felt the attractive spell of love in his heart, the mulatto woman from the land of the condor dominated a dangerous beast, a beautiful and affectionate young woman makes a man moan without feeling pain . The man for being exuberant and mischievous does not contain himself to the pleasure of a woman in which his hatred becomes fearful as it proves that his emotions are under the fascination of preserving his love that perhaps we can well say that we are learning to live and love still on a effect that makes us feel divided between emotional means in which almost everything makes us perish in the realms of life in which we take as a key to existence the pure beauty and the fineness of a beautiful woman who may lack pleasure and that everything has changed about a resistance of love and pleasure in which the enjoyment would be justified by a classification in which we suppose to be free from incapacities about a charm that we can fantasize about certain people that simply can make us win what we seek and that this thing can match us and what makes us was truly understand its value from the depths of the soul in which it has transcended us over a process in which we can remove the true feeling from pain, no matter how much we are combined on the same existence and that everything will lead us to the pleasure in which this honest fraction we enjoy our wills without feeling pain as an expression of this music that the woman has in her face two brilliant as it reflects us as soul and calls our wills and that we can enjoy this paradise that we dispense with everything in life at that time when we can say that we make love and leave the setbacks that rub us in life behind and enjoy the pleasure of the flesh without feeling pain and we will remain together on two faces that at the bottom can come together eternally about life. I simply want to say that life is a sister of death as death is a sister of life that there is probably a term of construction that we are simply walking along a path that we should look for real proof about the existence of life on mortals that in the most thoughtful way of build, build and evolution the human being went through a metamorphosis that would be effectively the opposite of dying about a fatality that we see life being distracted in a context of witnessing its existence and affection of going through a more different side that we casually look for surplus certainties the uncertainties that naturally must have a construction that puts everything in harmony as well as a deconstruction that puts everything in total disaffection that we call the round trip time that is written in the bible that God created the sky and the sea and men built a fountain very fine about its relations with life that always emanated from us in a context of revealing and showing us the realities of the day the day that by a mismatch of time and two days everything becomes the target of circumstances of love and hate where man can understand and understand his needs for evolution and origin that completed him ten from the beginning of the world in which god created Adam and Eve in paradise and as the holy bible says and they committed a perdition for eating from the tree of life and were expelled from paradise and the world materialized on a metamorphosis in which man is a god as of the beginning that the gods built mount olympus and that made the human being understand about his desires and thoughts as life and death should be like a dream of entry and exit in which we would find the world a set of religious doctrines of a syncretic, mystical and initiative character, possibly added to philosophical reflections, which they seek the knowledge of the divinity to reach the spiritual elevation of man certainly in his life.

By: Roberto Barros

Enviado por ROBERTO BARROS XXI em 18/06/2020
Reeditado em 18/06/2020
Código do texto: T6980541
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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