Sharp Objects: Ripe (ep. 4)

De onde tirou essa reflexão, e ainda, aonde quer levar?

Uma rocha, através de uma janela, nunca vem com um beijo.

"A rock through a window never comes with a kiss

Rhyme and a reason never argue with a fist

There's a time for discussion and a time for a fight

It's the time in the season for a maniac at night

There's a lot to be said for a blow to the head

So come on! Make a show! Turn it on! Let it go!

Put some madness to the method! [We need! We need! We need! We need!]

We need madness to the method! [Revolt! Revolt! Revolt! Revolt!]

We want madness to the method! [We need! We need! We need! We need!]

We need madness to the method! [Revolt! Revolt! Revolt! Revolt!]

We don't care as long as there's some madness!".

Madness To The Method - Blue Oyster Cult.

Lemos ACR
Enviado por Lemos ACR em 16/08/2018
Reeditado em 25/05/2020
Código do texto: T6420523
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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