Hino do Palmeiras Em Inglês

Hymn of the Palmeiras

Palm Trees

When the imposing alviverde

On the lawn where the fight awaits

You know what lies ahead.

That the hardness of the prélio not delay!

And the Palmeiras in the ardor of the match

Turning loyalty into standard

You always know how to lose.

And show that, in fact, is champion!

Defense that no one passes

Race striker line

Cheer that sings and vibrates

Defense that no one passes

Race striker line

Cheer that sings and vibrates

For our whole field

Who knows how to be Brazilian?

Sporting your fiber

Vinicius Moratta
Enviado por Vinicius Moratta em 13/05/2019
Código do texto: T6645693
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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