Simple love

For you girl

I love you...

Is very ease

to love you too

the time passes

and I remember

the first look

I run up the stairs

and get a hug

your smilling

shinning the room

I hear your name

and feel your perfume

I fall in love

my number one…

but I fail

and lost all

give me a chance

to prove my love

do not be indifferent

in this situation.

give me a chance

I want go back...

I want go back to you

I want go back to home

look at my eyes

see the love

touch my heart

and feel the love

take my hands and come with me to eternity

I don't need to say...

I love you.

Autor Karlos Brasil

Todos Direitos Reservados


Karlos Brasil
Enviado por Karlos Brasil em 19/01/2023
Reeditado em 07/12/2024
Código do texto: T7699250
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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