I called on your Cell

In all its islands
I dreamed about you
During all night
Now, I called on your mobile
Just to say
I love you very much.

The waters of the Pacific
They are watering my heart
And I'm loved by these waves
My Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific
So, I have the most beautiful flower of love
Throughout my time
Are watering my heart.

I wanted to hear your voice
But you were sleeping
I do not giving up calling you
Throughout the time required
Just to say I love you
And I live within your heart.

you didn't wake up. I called, I called
And insist on dozens of times.
If love is the purity of the soul
I have you in my heart
Because I love you very much
The most beautiful woman of my universe
And it makes me dream and love
So, I called on your mobile
To say that I love you.


For you, my love
With all my affection M.M.M



Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 25/07/2014
Código do texto: T4896431
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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