I love you without borders

My love, I look and I see the sky
With white clouds
The winds blow
The birds fly
Butterflies fly without borders.

My love, I see the sun.
With all the splendor
Opening the most beautiful day
Between the formations of clouds
Comes rain, snow and thunder. It's nature.

Is the sky the blue of our life
The symbol of great authority
It makes me live with you
Breathing the same air
So, I fall asleep in your dreams.

The night is more charming
With the full moon - There is freedom
I glimpse the hopes
Feeling her soft perfume
In the flash that flashes to me.

So is the soul in love
Invisible to our eyes
Purifying in every glance
The endless union of emotions
Who lives in our hearts.

My love, everything illustrates this space
Especially listening now - "I like chopin"
Moving in the arteries the pulse of peace
When you open your mouth
And tells me: I love you.

I feel the inner peace
Listening to this song with you
Oh! How I would like to see the world differently
No inequalities between humans
And globalization as the flag of peace and love.

My love! If there is no union between peoples
We can travel in our spaceship
Let's live on the Planet "Proxima b"
After all. You and I are time travelers
We have our DNA modified.

So, is the existence of universe
Our chemical and physical in life
And in front of the sky that we don't see the end
It's the golden light of this feeling
And does the mysterious attraction of love.

My dear! My love is too strong
No wall separates our borders
No wall divides our love
Nothing, nothing prevents our dreams
In the conquest of our desires.

Soft and sweet, it's your only look
Romantic and with charm
You make me dream every day
This joy that is contagious to me
You're a great sky of love. I love you.

Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 29/01/2017
Código do texto: T5896142
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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