Marices - Sweet flower

If my eyes float in your heart
You will see within me, my emotions
If I'm in your thoughts
It is through a loving connection
Look! Everything has a reason to be
Time, the universe, you and me
And we can see the sunrise
In the opening of our eyes
Hugged in the heat of all joys
Eternizing the conjunctions of love
Yes. And my eyes will live these moments
In the taste of kisses sweetened by caresses
Come Marices! In the affectionate composition of love
Let's dance in this pure romanticism
Dancing to our music - Tamally Maak
With the sunlight in the window of our union.

Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 17/07/2017
Código do texto: T6057224
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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