Missing you

This days

I'm dreaming about you

And the times that

Will never come back

Since you've gone

I feel alone

I'm sad and I cry


Where are you now

Where were you

When I needed you

To sing me lullabies

Telling me how was

my first day at home

You watching me sleep

Waiting for my cry

To hold me tight

Listen to my breath

And I wish I could

Smell the fragrance

Of your skin and hairs

To touch them

And feel your cheeck

Against mine

And keep this moment


If I could

Get in the pictures

Revive the moments

And just

For one last time

Be the daughter

You wish I was

Manuela Salles
Enviado por Manuela Salles em 04/12/2018
Código do texto: T6518423
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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