Shadow's dance

Those were sad days

I was falling and watching our beautiful dance

You said to me don’t be scared

Then I thought I could dance with you

We just needed light

So our dance in the night

Would have lasted forever

In front of so many persons

I was constantly crying inside of me

Did you remember about my blue phases?

And in moments that sun was my moon

You disappeared into the dark

Dancing where I may not be able to go with you

I was trying not to disappear

But, at the same time

The lights were turned off,

You did it

I was falling apart

And I kept dancing with you

I knew that was impossible to see

But I could feel you dancing with me

As cortinas foram baixando

Aos poucos, eu também fui deixando o cenário

E o tempo contando os momentos para eu também cair

Josué Alves
Enviado por Josué Alves em 24/11/2019
Código do texto: T6802607
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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