I want to make it very clear that I describe here under a great realistic work and that will serve as a source of support for great scientists around the world focused on space science that for a great abbreviation and observation of my knowledge that I studied and researched a little about the machine of the time that we have in logic as a great construction and scientific dream of reviewing the past, present focused on the future that today we have a logic of time and space that simplify an idea of going and returning as a transformation in which we can put everyone together the atomic elements that we will have that takes a great metaphysics from each atom that makes up each atomic element that would be in nuclear chemistry the nuclear spirit we call space because it is lighter than it should be clocked at a radioactive frequency between waves and leakage and electros output in the smallest fraction of an element and short space that would generate a body in its subtle state passing to the dense in c outputs. trippets and centrifuges called an atom that we would reach the highest layers of light for the formation of each atom that would propose us time to review the past of some reactions aimed at functions and transmutations from the spiritual side to the material side that we can understand the laws of relativity of life together with the atomic elements that make up the atom as protons, neutrons and electrons are constituent elements of an atom. In the nucleus of atoms are found the protons and neutrons that would form a dense body like a portal to time, with rotation and translation movements under space as a general function of the elements to be transmuted to the dense state after subtle. the movement that the Earth performs around its own axis and it is as if it were “rotating” around itself. ... Translation is the movement that the Earth performs around the Sun, and it takes 365 days, 5 hours and 48 minutes to complete it, completing a chemical transformation of the spirit as a fifth essence under the side of time that vivifies each atom generated and transformed into a dense body that would prove to us its existence that in the form of light under generators, capacitors and transformers would stabilize a great alchemy under a subtle and natural state of large electrical charges that would pulse a nuclear chemistry giving life to the spirit in the periphery and electron fields and exhausts like centrifugal and centripetal exhausts that would pass to the dense state called material that we simplify an image that is a representation, reproduction or imitation of the shape of a person or an object that can be a portal to time that we call the mirror of the soul that we can see through conscious and consistent thinking that we predominate an existence under the material side that in physics we call core atomic in which we show this more different image under a state of transmutation in which we take the atom of the soul as will, prayer, union, time, example, reason, love that is transmuted by rectilinear movements of the electrical force of the generator, capacitor and transformer that it puts action in man can seek a certain idea of coming and going of time and space in which we can prove its existence as a substantial factor of life in which it puts us to seek a setback under the past that we can understand its contradictory and preliminary effects under a transcendental energy , adjective Capable of transcending, which transcends, surpasses or exceeds, going beyond the normal; transcendent. [Philosophy] which belongs to pure reason, a priori, prior to any experience, and which constitutes a precondition of this experience: according to Kant, space and time are two transcendental concepts. And let's talk a little bit about metaphysics so that we can put it into practice relatively under the great effect of certain chemical and physical functions in which, in the logic of relativities, we prescribe an infinity of artifacts in which it is introduced into a large space of time and space, becoming like an alchemy related to the relativity of life and invisible alchemy that we call the portal and magic mirror of seeing life where everything and all matter can be transmuted to the dense state, creating an image or time machine where we can understand and create its processes under a transformation of spirit to matter that is kept in the quintessence of life where we will explain its importance and formation of a biosystem in which we can, through chemistry and physics, transmute something into matter as an entrance or portal in which we will find in the smallest fraction of an element and short space a subsistence of life that we can have more logic of time with certain functions and transformations that involve the soul, body and spirit that will form a force field called the atomic nucleus that can take us by simple circumstances and life functions to a state of time and space.


The origin of alchemy is lost in time, being older than the history of mankind. Its true beginning is unknown and shrouded in obscurity and mystery. Thus, its appearance is confused with the origin and evolution of man on Earth. The origin of alchemy is quite uncertain, as there are alchemical reports in several ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Persians, Mesopotamians, Hindus, Chinese and Japanese. However, it is generally considered to have started around the 3rd century BC, in Alexandria. And classified today we have come as a vehicle about various things in life in which we can develop various related purposes as an extended light on various developments in human capacity on earth as a creative flow to every possibility of life and existence over a great and infinite trajectory. from pulsation about life how things can be identified about love and hate where everything is alchemy as alchemy to various things where a combined and pacified relationship with human nature and all existence is absorbed between both things of life in which we can transmute several things and transform into something alive or imaginary on a point of restoration between the spirit as nuclear chemistry and the matter as atomic nuclei that we see in everything and by transcribing everything and perfecting ourselves on a relatively great and extraordinary alchemy imposed on life being used as creation functions over any existence to the material man who sees life more prone to death as the space man who sees life extended over all nature in which we can superlatively classify ourselves on the natural elements as substances of creation being used in each atom as matter of the quintessence standing on all in the third plane where we will be able to see how life began taking into account its relativities as the primordial atom as a result of the relationships and existences of god and the devil over the creations perhaps of heaven and hell staying over good and evil as was transformed and created the law of all existence of life and its unwary when it was generated the great transformation of life in which drastically concentrated small fractions of atoms in which they combined into a large existence over a large explosion that formed of seminal particles about certain atomic and chemical elements about a relationship between radioactivity, electricity and magnetism that alchemy iar formed from the particles into atoms life being each element of nature created and contained on four existences in which nature is classified and is classified as water, air, earth and fire in which we can say that it was created life and planets like the earth that formed between the four elements that went into alchemical transformations that we can also classify among them by a body called the atomic nucleus that naturally underwent a transformation of atomic and nuclear development that we have life in the earth almost as the fifth pleasure getting the atom, protons and neutrons combined and formed in an atomic nucleus that we are the ones who also have water, air, fire and earth as related elements and as generators of our existences of life being created on the earth as oxygen, blood, body, combustion and we are human beings who can also classify ourselves as terrestrial or space beings in which we take as spirit matter the whole and soul of the things we inhabit and that we can transmute between a cycle of both the earth and the universe, being established on a relativity of universal nature in which through an alchemy we homogenize on a deeper relativity in which we can transform ourselves from the dense to the subtle and from the subtle in dense that we mean the chin and yang that is of the sky and the earth that I mean from bottom to top and from top to bottom leaving matter as a spiritual being the transmutable core by the energy of the spirit that is nuclear chemistry that is established on the sidereal planes of the universe when man can perhaps understand its transformation and combination that atoms enter into transformation and subtle combinations, passing from the dense that is matter as atomic nucleus to the spirit that is nuclear chemistry and the soul, electricity subtle that was combined on the same magnetic and subtle relationship of the universe, making the matter more static on an alchemy more related to the seti meaning staying on the quintessence of life in what we call the relativity of life where all the atomic elements of life are formalized and formed forming a living being and statically developed on the planes of universal nature.

When we talk about transmutation in relativity it would be general because we would be entering an alchemical process of a more indivisible variety as perhaps a step on God who is omnipotent and has no beginning or end almost as the universe which is infinite about omnipresent things like man who can understand every detail narrated in this story that things are born from the invisible to the naked eye when there is a general understanding of the relativities of life in which life and death are distinguished over a relativity in which man can create and give life over certain matters remaining as a study for the future of humanity on scientific criteria that are peacefully based on the laws of God as a study of divine omnipotence on the relativities of alchemy or the alchemy of relativities as a dream and fable that we can value the existence of life over death and death over life for being more alive over all human relationships of man in t misses.


Ladies and gentlemen, I come here with an introduction to tell you about my imaginations that I explained to you as a study of an alchemy that I studied and dream that may be more generalized to infinity itself or homogenized to the universe. I tell you that there is scientific magic as well as if it works magic in a sense of reaching eternity that we never imagined for existing and being on the invisible of things that can become visible on an extensive desire to subsist behind life becoming more seer all the transformations that God may have passed and transformed the very origin of life and when we talk about transmutation in relativity it would be general because we would be entering an alchemical process of a more indivisible variety as perhaps a step towards god who is omnipotent and has no beginning or end almost as the universe which is infinite about things omnipresent as the man who can understand every detail narrated in this story that things are born from the invisible with the naked eye when there is a general understanding of the relativities of life in which life and death are distinguished from a relativity in which man can create and give life on certain matters, being like a study for the future of humanity on the scientific criteria that are peacefully based on the laws of God as a study of divine omnipotence over the relativities of alchemy or the alchemy of relativities as a dream and fable that we can value the existence of life over death and death over life for being more living over all human relationships of man on earth.

I want to talk a little about the ancient Greek atomists who classified matter as the elements of nature that like: fire, water, earth and air that mixed in different proportions would result in different physicochemical properties like Aristotle's theory that shows this composition between the human body that we call matter and that we will be able to transmute certain substances from the invisible that will go through an alchemical process to become matter that we call the natural plane where we will be able to transmute from the spiritual side to the material state.

Atomists in ancient Greece

The atomists, headed by Democritus and his professor Leucippus, thought that matter was made up of tiny and invisible particles, the atoms (A-tome), "Without division". They thought that if we split and split again, the process would eventually stop.

For Democritus, the great variety of materials in nature came from the movements of different types of atoms that, when they collided, formed larger groups, generating different bodies with their own characteristics. Some ideas from Democritus about atoms:

Water: Formed by slightly spherical atoms (water drains easily).

Earth: formed by cubic atoms (the earth is stable and solid)

Air: formed by swirling moving atoms (air moves - winds).

Fire: formed by sharp atoms (fire hurts).

Soul: formed by the smoothest, most delicate and most active atoms that exist.

Breathing: it was considered an exchange of atoms, in which new atoms replace used atoms.

Democritus' foundations for atoms took shape over time. Epicurus (341 BC - approximately 270 BC) complemented his ideas by suggesting that there would be a limit to the size of atoms, thus justifying why they are invisible.

But even so, the most defended theory was that of Aristotle, who believed that matter would consist of elements of nature such as fire, water, earth and air that, mixed in different proportions, would result in different physicochemical properties.

In my view, it is about the criteria of life in which biology is classified into five kingdoms or even more because nature is a set of lives in which we can classify here all kingdoms to have a logic and a transformation of life on the death and death over life that in everything and with everything in invisible alchemy we will be able to show as essence of life the mineral, vegetable, animal and soul kingdom that we will be able to transcribe the fifth essence of life on an invisible world of transformation and transmutation in which the relativity of alchemy begins with the realms in which we can transmute and make live both gross and dense matters that are dense and subtle that are processed by the soul that are invisible and pass through the realm of the soul as a quintessence turning into the fifth pleasure in which we materialize as an atom in the smallest fraction of a substantial element the life in which we will be able to make an invisible alchemy that will undergo a process of transformation between re the body, spirit and soul to create a substance, so natural image mentalized by the mental consciousness to the subconscious state of the human mind that will be transformed to the natural state of matter being both liquid and solid that we can classify some existence transformed into life by invisible alchemy in what we call the fifth essence.

Living world: presentation of the realms

The modern classification system, which distributes living things into five major kingdoms — Monera, Protista, Fungi, Metaphyta and Metazoa — was devised by RH Whittaker in 1969. Thus, the known species of living things are distributed into specific kingdoms, according to certain classification criteria.

The Basic Classification Criteria

For the classification of living beings in the five great kingdoms, the following criteria were used:

type of cellular organization — defines whether living beings are prokaryotes or eukaryotes, that is, whether they are devoid of or possess a nuclear membrane, nucleolus, and membrane organelles in their cells;

number of cells — considers whether living beings are unicellular or multicellular;

type of nutrition — indicates whether organisms are autotrophs or heterotrophs; this criterion also considers the way in which heterotrophs obtain their food: whether by absorption or by ingestion of the available organic material.

the five great kingdoms

According to the establishment of the aforementioned classification criteria, the living world was divided into the following realms:

Reino Monera — Encompasses all unicellular and prokaryote organisms, represented by bacteria and by cyanobacteria or cyanophyceae, also known as blue algae.

Kingdom Protista — Comprises single-celled and eukaryotic organisms such as protozoa and certain algae.

Reino Fungi — Comprises all fungi, which can be uni or multicellular and are eukaryotic and heterotrophic organisms by absorption.

Reino Plantae or Metaphyta — Encompasses multicellular, eukaryotic and autotrophic organisms. This kingdom, also known as the plant kingdom, includes pluricellular algae, bryophytes (mosses and liverworts), pteridophytes (such as ferns and ferns), ginnosperms (such as pine and sequoias) and angiosperms ( ipe trees, lemon trees, beans, grass, etc).

Reino Animalia or Metazoa — Comprises multicellular, eukaryotic and heterotrophic organisms by ingestion. This kingdom encompasses all animals, from porifers to mammals.

Here I leave a great explanation about the beautiful images that come from a flow of our minds in which we create well by a circumstance of our subconscious and we can by the alchemy of creation transmute to give life as the fifth pleasure that we call the fifth essence of life that we will know on this with an atomic study of the atom on life in which we classify as relativities of life on a great alchemical transformation between natural elements that have been converted into liquid and solid substances on life in a well focused study of alchemy and chemistry in which we build life.

I want to get into a more qualified state where life is formed by an atom where its particles constitute life and all the natural elements that pass between the atomic forces of the universe where we can simplify the search for existence and simply life using from each atom of protein, of vitamin in transmutation the most variable liquid and solid atomic constructions in the subsistence of life in which we are now going to show about the superlative atom to all creations:


The word atom was proposed by the Greek atomist Democritus in 400 BC to define the smallest constituent particle of matter. However, it is known nowadays that atoms are divisible, but the word is still used to designate an organized, very small structure that makes up all kinds of materials.

The classical atomic model is constituted by the sum of the scientists' ideas

Rutherford, Bohr, and Chadwick, ideas we will study in our next class. This consists of a small and heavy central nucleus containing two elementary particles called protons and neutrons, and a peripheral portion called the electrosphere, where the electrons are small-mass fundamental particles that orbit around the nucleus. See the figure below.

Through the figure it can be seen that the radius of the nucleus is much smaller than the total radius of the atom, in real dimensions the radius of the atom is about 10 thousand to 100 thousand times larger than the radius of the atomic nucleus.

The fundamental particles of the atom, called protons, electrons, and neutrons, are very small, but different in mass. The mass of the proton is very close to the mass of the neutron, the mass of the electron being approximately 1836 times smaller than that of the proton.

Protons have a positive charge, while electrons have a negative charge,

neutrons are devoid of electrical charge.

The fundamental physical characteristics of these particles are given below in relative values.

II. Fundamental Concepts.

Atom: extremely small and organized structure that makes up all kinds of materials

Atomic number: represented by the symbol Z and determines the total number of protons Existing in the nucleus of an atom. Remember that the atom is an electrically system.

Neutral, so the number of protons and electrons are identical for a given atom.

Z = number of protons

Atomic mass number: As we already know, the atom's mass is concentrated in the nucleus. Thus, the atomic mass number (A) is given by the sum of the number of protons and neutrons of the said atom, as shown in the formula:

A = p + n or A = Z + n

Chemical element: corresponds to a set of atoms with the same number of protons (atomic number). In nature we can find atoms with different numbers of atomic mass, but with the same number of protons, these atoms are called ISOTOPES and constitute a chemical element.



1H2 1H3 These atoms have different mass, but belong to the

hydrogen element.

The hydrogen isotopes represented above can be called by: tritium, deuterium and protium, respectively.

Representing a chemical element:

ZEA or Z


An element that has 17 protons and 18 neutrons is represented as follows:


Isotopia – Isobaria – Isotonia

In nature we can find elements or chemical species that have the same number of protons (isotopes), or with the same number of mass (isobars), or with the same number of neutrons (isotopes). Look at the schematic table:

ELEMENT Z = (n° of p+) A (n°P + n°N) N (A - Z)

Isotopy = ¹ ¹

Isobaria ¹ = ¹

Isotony ¹ ¹ =



59Pr140 isobars


20Ca40 isotones


8O17 isotopes


Allotropic varieties are defined as different simple substances that are formed by the same chemical element. One of the allotropic varieties is always the most stable and abundant in nature. The main examples are:

Cdiamond, Cgraphite* and C60(fullerene)

O2* and O3

Pwhite and Pred *

Srombic* and Smonoclinic

* more stable allotropic form.

III - Ions.

They are atoms in electrical imbalance, that is, atoms that won or lost



12Mg0 to 2e- + 12Ca2+ (note that the magnesium atom loses two electrons)

The magnesium atom has 12 protons and 12 electrons.

The magnesium ion has 12 protons and 10 electrons, so its charge is 2+.

7N0 + 3e-à7N3- (note that the nitrogen atom receives 3 electrons)

The nitrogen atom has 7 protons and 7 electrons.

The nitrogen ion has 7 protons and 10 electrons, so its charge is 3.

In my philosophy everything that God create with love is built with a feeling about the living nature of a being that would be more dose to you to understand him because everything in him is clearer as the sunlight that is showing us on the bright side of the life the beautiful things that we cling to that we just don't touch by being made of love that lies over any void that breaks through on the human inability to be happy or to love someone in life who simply isn't being enlightened before God because they're fallen from nature. divine that cannot resemble the true being that God made and created over all things in paradise. at altitudes that we can someday understand your space and time about our realities that are not so extensive when there is no light from our stimuli that are on any high feelings the life that can We would laugh at not having understood his love and existence in our lives because in everything God did, created the paradise of the bankrupt and the constrained who perverted from the evil on the truth that cannot remain silent, invisible about everything that God created on the land of obstinate men and uncertain of controversial compassions about an unfaithful desire that perhaps a child would humanitarianly bring this love to be more alive on the electricity that comforts our thoughts and makes us believe that the world is perfect and that we can still be happy and that maybe we will remain constructively intact on the pretexts of God who made us enlightened by the fury of the teacher love that loves us and makes us love what is good to see and feel pleasure because life would simply be a sounding board in which its rhythm can melody us on all the positive forms and forces of life that have never bent over the shadows that break behind the daylight trying to forget the fear of the darkness that ravages the innocents who will yet know the world how beautiful and perfect it is because god made you over all aspects that were not destroyed and let the truth of loves that were not absorbed by god or that any anonymity that might have been prescribed by word of god as they say that angels are more cautious to stay alive and innate by transforming the existence of god over mortals who are consumed by madness, farce, emotional illusion that angers the minds of men who have not yet understood to simplify their love for life how to love god above all things that are inevitable and together we can always unite because it was god who made you and the stars of heaven as perhaps a wrath that someday we can thank you and ask you for the favor of being faithful to him like a straight arrow without deflection that cannot be of our nature indisputable to the world that it can become an illusion to the weakest without love that maybe they can feel that they were made of the flower of the paradise that unforgettable-mind we will always find what we are looking for because we simply learn to love and hate to consolidate ourselves on all aspects of being happy for many years to keep life pulsating and creating certain artifices that someday we will understand its pleasures and everything that God created because we are God's children and we experience the light of life in our eyes and countenances that show us how beautiful we are and become strengthened in our memory that we witness our love for life as we pacify on the material planes the seeds that we simply keep in the soul from our thoughts that are completed on the forms and achievements that we reach in life as a state of time on occasion of graces that we learn to value the life that plagues us with the follies of youth and we see that everything that God created would be perfect because we are likeness of God and in my philosophy I simply want to say that if it was God who made us we are innate or homogeneous that by the anonymity of the hidden affections could complete us about his love that made us because we would not be alive to be happy about some inferior indifference of his nature that remains for as long without unfavorable expression to the only affection that made us greater than all that we are likeness of love that maybe we can't say from the inside out in a few more that it is simplified in the divine theory that everything that God created was with love and that we learn with life less or more with its artifacts to value what God made because we wouldn't be so small and big in the hand of God who completed us about his image and love that can never be small about all the hidden affections that unravel the pure realistic compassion of living, loving and being happy because in a few years or maybe millennia from the depths of our souls that someday we will find ourselves free from hell in paradise.

I want to make it very clear that I describe here under a great realistic work and that will serve as a source of support for great scientists around the world focused on space science that for a great abbreviation and observation of my knowledge that I studied and researched a little about the machine of the time that we have in logic as a great construction and scientific dream of reviewing the past, present focused on the future that today we have a logic of time and space that simplify an idea of going and returning as a transformation in which we can put everyone together the atomic elements that we will have to remove a great metaphysics from each atom that makes up each atomic element that would be in nuclear chemistry the nuclear spirit that we call space because it is lighter than it should be clocked at a radioactive frequency between waves and leakage and electros output in the smallest fraction of an element and short space that would generate a body in its subtle state passing to the dense in c outputs. trippets and centrifuges called an atom that we would reach the highest layers of light for the formation of each atom that would unreasonable us time to review the past of some reactions aimed at functions and transmutations from the spiritual side to the material side that we can understand the laws of relativity of life.

Before HG Wells published The Time Machine, in 1895, fictional characters had already visited the future or the past, but either by chance or by the work of the gods.

In Time travel: a history (Pantheon, 2016), James Gleick writes that the idea of building a device to travel in time arose in Wells' novel.

The expression “time travel” first appears in the English language only in 1914, probably as a derivation of Time Traveller, as the character of Wells is called.

The thought that the future will be substantially different from the present is just over a century old. It appears with the industrial revolution, when “the railway shrunk the world, electric light transformed night into perpetual day and the electric telegraph annihilated time and space (as the newspapers said)”.

Before that, there was something immutable about life, and people's sense of the passage of time was quite different from ours.

The first mention of the centenary commemoration, for example, appears only in 1876. The expression “turn of the century” did not exist before the 20th century.

“A century earlier, the year 1800 passed without any special celebration; no one imagined how the year 1900 would be different,” writes Gleick.

Physics and Literature

Author of Chaos: The Creation of a New Science and Information: A History, a Theory, a Flurry, Gleick tells in his new book the story of time travel from both a science and fiction perspective.

And fiction is not just science. He discusses Proust and Borges, Sebald and Nabokov, David Foster Wallace and Philip Roth.

“The texture of space is not the same as time, and the four-dimensional piebald horse created by the relativists is a quadruped with one leg replaced by the ghost of one leg,” wrote Vladimir Nabokov.

The Second Law of Thermodynamics, also known as the Arrow Law of Time, states that it is not possible to go back to the past.

One way of stating it is “the amount of entropy of any thermodynamically isolated system tends to increase over time, until reaching a maximum value”. Since entropy means disorder.

That is, what is hot tends to cool. As Gleick writes, "the eggs will all become scrambled, the sandcastles will be toppled, the sun and stars will go out in uniformity."

But the author emphasizes that the Second Law applies to groups and not to individual entities. It is probabilistic. He describes Loschmidt's time arrow dilemma or paradox:

"For the scientist, it seems that there is a problematic gap between the microscopic laws, in which time has no preferential direction, because the laws are reversible, and the macroscopic world, in which the arrow of time points from the past to the future."


The most famous objection to time travel is the so-called grandfather paradox. What would happen if you traveled back in time and killed your own grandfather, preventing yourself from being born?

Many stories were written based on this idea. The script for the first Back to the Future plays with the paradox, when Marty McFly's teenage mother takes an interest in him, in place of his future father.

There are usually two narrative solutions to the problem. One is that it is impossible to change the future. If someone goes back in time to kill their grandfather, they won't succeed (the gun doesn't fire, the grandfather doesn't take the poison, and so on).

Another is that, with each change made in the past, a new timeline is created, a parallel universe. In Primer (2004), written, directed and starring Shane Carruth, it works like this.

James Gleick does not cite Primer, a science-fiction feature film that cost just $7,000. In this movie, time travel has some rules. It is not possible to go back to before the machine was created.

Inventors seek to intervene as little as possible in the past (in the beginning, they hide in a hotel room to invest in stocks), but even so, bigger consequences are inevitable.

There are so many parallel timelines that there are endless graphics and discussions on the internet about what actually happens in the movie.

the shadow from time

Another story not quoted by Gleick is the short story “The Shadow Coming from Time”, published in 1936 by HP Lovecraft.

Lovecraft speaks of an alien race capable of traveling through time by exchanging consciousness with beings who live in another time and in another place.

In his book, Gleick writes that perhaps our consciousnesses are able to travel only in a temporal direction, but that past, present and future can all exist at once, just like space.

But we would have difficulty transiting time, just as two-dimensional creatures would have difficulty moving in the third dimension. The film The Arrival (2016), directed by Denis Villeneuve, deals with this a little bit.

Or as physicist John Wheeler (as well as filmmaker Woody Allen) said: "Time is nature's way of keeping everything from happening all at once."

I want to make it very clear that I describe here under a great realistic work and that will serve as a source of support for great scientists around the world focused on space science that for a great abbreviation and observation of my knowledge that I studied and researched a little about the machine of the time that we have in logic as a great construction and scientific dream of reviewing the past, present focused on the future that today we have a logic of time and space that simplify an idea of going and returning as a transformation in which we can put everyone together the atomic elements that we will have that takes a great metaphysics from each atom that makes up each atomic element that would be in nuclear chemistry the nuclear spirit we call space because it is lighter than it should be clocked at a radioactive frequency between waves and leakage and electros output in the smallest fraction of an element and short space that would generate a body in its subtle state passing to the dense in c outputs. trippets and centrifuges called an atom that we would reach the highest layers of light for the formation of each atom that purposed us a time to review the past of some reactions aimed at functions and transmutations from the spiritual side to the material side that we can understand the laws of relativity of life.

Maybe we are looking for some answer to decipher an achievement for life in which we can believe in the existence of time under life while we are still walking under a fantasy or a dream of reviewing the past in search of a better future. physics, chemistry and we will understand and learn to know the true conquest of human beings in search of an unforgettable journey that we can formatively identify and we can understand more deeply this story or fantasy to know better and unravel the mysteries of life that were perhaps solidly kept in the past may you bring us a great virtue under our creations and destiny which was spent in an ineffective way of preserving life and its various aspects which remained in our best memories and may the past show us today what we should do and that we can get to know each other better and build a great future for everyone in life. thanks for this work done by me and that everyone clear their most sincere doubts about a scientific relationship that involves the man with a simple desire in time and hugs!

By: Roberto Barros

Enviado por ROBERTO BARROS XXI em 17/10/2021
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