
Ok. I broke your hard. Ok. I broke your hard not in the middle. I broke it in thousand parts.

But (It always have a but), it was not my fault! Do you know what I mean?

It was not suppose to be this way! It was not suppose to be anything then a friendship! I could not handle with that! Actually I can’t deal with that.

I love you so much, you know? So much. I can’t even count it! But I cannot be your girlfriend. I can’t! I cannot be in love. I don’t wanna be in love.

But (again) I’m already in love. And afraid. And I love you so much that I don’t want lose it. And, I can assure you, I’m not the kind of girl that you deserve. Not to date.

I don’t know for sure if we can be best friends again. I’m sure you’ll say we can. But I don’t know.

I don’t really have a point whit this letters but the fact is: I’m so so so sorry! I don’t mean to hurt you. But I love you. And I’m still the same. And to prove it I’m gonna finish it with a question: Can you pay me some bear tomorrow?

Carol Bahasi
Enviado por Carol Bahasi em 01/07/2006
Código do texto: T185787