Letter to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Who is this God that allows a society where the woman receives treatment so aggressive and repressive?

The government of Iran not has power to enslave the Iranian women. All the people in the world don’t accept the tyrannical government of Iran.

God is not tyrannical, despot or authoritarian. The humanity needs more compassion, more solidarity, more tolerance and more human respect.

The government and the justice in Iran is tyrannical, despot and authoritarian, so the attitudes do not agree with the laws of a worthy and honest religion.

No, the religion in Iran is not a religion, is a tyrannical power. This is not Truthful God, is a false god.

The execution of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani is a proof that the Iran government not has compassion, not has tolerance, not has solidarity, not has human respect.

Unfortunately we live in a planet that still has situations so brutish like this.

I pray for the Truthful God and I ask Him to have compassion of this woman and so to save her of big brutality.

I pray for the Truthful God to illuminate the government of Iran and give them more compassion and more respect to the women.

The world will be better when all the countries to respect the human rights.

Enviado por Nerah em 16/08/2010
Reeditado em 22/06/2014
Código do texto: T2442173
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro