I was thinking about my life fully when the doors closed on me which was that I felt an emptiness in my chest that made me feel cold about time and I looked up to the sky and said to God. Will this be the end of me? Then things went calmly regarding my desires, which was when I learned to recognize myself much better because I think that to live happily we need to be more confident than ever and life is really a vehicle of distractions that only makes us dream and that simply we aim for a duel for a simple distraction that I think the world has its indifferent purposes to show to today's man that nature is or distracts the feelings of consolation of someone who by a mere intention tries to seek something of value and more realistic the his desires to live and he himself has his intentions to face the world in another better way and life is not totally bad because there are true things in life that due to a mere circumstance may lack man better satisfaction of living and people perhaps cannot trust the world anymore because they are always outraged by the chemical reactions and processes that, due to the relativity of life, things are not totally normal because I think that the birth of the world takes its toll on times of relativities and back-and-forth transformations over a sequence half ungoverned and that is what human beings feel because we are part of everything and the world made us above everything and we feel its magnanimous and sedimentary reactions over a more distracted reactivity with something superlative and defined and I believe that we are targets of this reaction because I think that we are walking side by side with something indifferent that can benefit us and at the same time limit us and we should not rush into the renewed emanations that are present in life and that make us lack a semi-paranoid deficiency to the mere and indisputable pleasure we can face the world and we can believe in the existence of God and we are relatively distracted and life wants to teach us about its chemical reactions and I no longer see space as far away if it is in me and we have to build ourselves and follow the maneuvers and relativities to life because I think that things do not and never stop coming at us and we conform to an emotional construction that makes us feel and comply with its commandments over any distortions and simulations of living and the functions correspond to us slowly and we are guided by notion and construction of time and space and I understood that nature deeply burdens us in a relationship that makes us both perish and gain because life is simply a circle that rotates in a resonance for both heaven and earth and thus we are possessed by love , hatred in a dynamic subsistence that takes place in life and we can believe in its astral and moral plans that certainly and fully made me feel something destructive and constructive in my life and so I learned from the world and that we can lead a much better life pirque I think that if we are confused by its chemical reactions and elemental transformations and the human being is a piece of Paradise and you find life something unusual, I believe that we must seek better forces to live and that we cannot weaken ourselves with its rumors and lack of love because everything and fruit of pleasure because I think that things were born to die and be born and that is how life was created and we feel its effects of another transformation and we can pacify life and never stop avoiding it. Hugs!

By: Roberto Barros