Desculpas, não achei meu texto original. Isto pode acontecer com alguns fãs do nosso muito amado Arcanjo Miguel: Michael Jackson. I love you Michael!


He finaly realizes that his idol is dead. He felt a knot inside his Mind. “Shit, how did he die?” “How could it happen?” Nobody could explain how a young, cool and healthy man was gonne suddenly under mysterious circunstances. Maybe a heart atack, but under rumours, in despite of it a autopisy was a way to give an explanation to society.

He suffered during one month. Went to the funeral. And showed solidarity to the idol’s family. He counted how many autographs had in his house then had a convulsive crying crisis, and became perturbed. “God, shit he is dead what a bad felling! But time is running fast, it was last month, and the other peopple of our fan club are becoming well, but not me, I am not feeling better, I think that not even God knows how... My peopple put another idol in his place, but I can’t pass beyond all my pain. And every night I dream with him coming to visit me on my bed, I don’t know if it’s a dream or not. I think that he wants to tell me something. I ask myself: Maybe he felt some kind of attraction with me and never told me? The last time he came kissed me and it was a mixture of pleasure and nausea because his saliva was putrefying in my mouth... I am beginning to dislike this idol.. He turns on my TV in a loud volume at dawn, and don’t let me to sleep, when I gather my last forces to turn TV set off the image don’t wants to disappear, and when I touch the screen I float in the air and stand in fetal position till the morning comes. When I look for him he vanished yet. You know? I wish to kill him, and I am not sure if i had murder him before. I soon realized that he was a mortal like everybody, and it was a treason for me extinguishing with all my illusions! I don’t want to know about autopsy results.... Rock and roll XXX

Enviado por LYGIA VICTORIA em 27/06/2009
Reeditado em 30/06/2009
Código do texto: T1670847
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