Potion, income, faith and poetry

the land of the Renaissance

and the most beautiful cruising

representing a faith

the other giving us money

income is known

it is sold in Brazil

and abroad.

was a friar who built

Potion of the cruise,

your name Frei Henrique

it was a German priest,

born abroad

came to the Brazilian soil

preach religion.

River Capibaribe

Potion is in the spring

have a pleasant climate

hour cold hot hours,

who comes to visit Potion

feel a strong emotion

and wants to return again.

Our Lady of Sorrows

is our patron saint.

The defender of the poor

our holy miraculous

giving your protection

and blessed Potion

Capital of the Lacemaker.

João Bosco dos Santos.

João Bosco Santos
Enviado por João Bosco Santos em 02/03/2012
Código do texto: T3530732
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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