Paralelos (eu digo mundos)

- L, I´m feeling strange things.

- What?

- What “what”?

- What are you feeling?

- Nothing, and you?

- Nothing too.

- Hey L, look at your arm.

- Why?

- It falling.

- Hum. Your isn´t.

- Yeah! Not mine.

- Why are you laughing?

- I don´t know.

- This pear...

- What pear?

- This pear that we are seating.

- But this isn´t a pear.

- No? So what is this?

- This is a pineaplle.

- Ahh!!!

- Hey L, the guy who died in front of you, did you see?

- What guy?

- I don´t know.

- He died from what?

- Who is dead?

- I don´t know. What were you sayng?

- What did you say?

- I forgot.

- Hi man, I´m very hungry

- Yeah! Me too.

- Did you see that big hamburger?

- Yes. I did. Are you feeling the smeel?

- Yes. Did you see the size?

- Yeah, I did.

- Delicious, isn´t?

- But, why are you spriting?

- I don´t know. It tastes like dead people.

- How do you know? I never ate.

- I am eating myself.

- I think we are dissolving.

- Yes, I think so.

- Must be that heat, isn´t?

- Yeah!!

- Would you like to drink a cop of coffe with jujuba?

- I can´t wake up.

- Stand up L and lets go to dance.

- I cannot. My right leg get running.

- Oh no! Not on the face, in the face not.

- M, don´t move.

- Why?

- ´Cause we are in a match box

- Ahh!

- If you move a litle bit you can explode.

- But I want to scrath my leg.

- I scrath for you. Where?

- Here, next to my other leg.

Maria Aguilar
Enviado por Maria Aguilar em 08/02/2007
Reeditado em 08/02/2007
Código do texto: T373659