(John Lennon e Paul Mc Cartney)

The long and winding road

That leads to your door

Will never disappear

I've seen that road before

It always leads me here

Lead me to your door

The wild and windy night

That the rain washed away

Has left a pool of tears

Crying for the day

Why leave me standing here?

Let me know the way

Many times I've been alone

And many times I've cried

Any way youll never know

The many ways I've tried

And still they lead me back

To the long winding road

You left me standing here

A long long time ago

Don't leave me waiting here

Lead me to your door

Many times I've been alone

And many times I've cried

Any way youll never know

The many ways I've tried

But still they lead me back

To the long winding road

You left me standing here

A long long time ago

Don't keep me waiting here

Lead me to your door

Esta música faz parte do último álbum dos Beatles, intitulado Let It Be. O detalhe é que, à época da gravação, eles já estavam separados. Cada um gravou a sua parte e depois foi feita a mixagem.

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Bom dia, amigos.

Ótimo domingo, Deus os abençoe. Bem-vindos à NOSSA página.

Mario Roberto Guimarães
Enviado por Mario Roberto Guimarães em 17/10/2021
Código do texto: T7365461
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