(George Harrison / Tom Petty)

I can see by your grin

That you're trembling within

It's all over town, cheer down

And the smile on your face

Is sometimes out of place

Don't mind, no frowns, cheer down

If your hair should fall

If your shares should crash

You'll get by even without getting a rash

There's no tears to be shed

I'm gonna love you instead

I want you around, cheer down

When your teeth drop out

You'll get by even without taking a bite

If your dog should be dead

I'm gonna love you instead

The world loves a clown, cheer down

I want you around, cheer down

Um dos grandes sucessos de George Harrison.

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Bom dia, amigos.

Ótima sexta, Deus os abençoe. Bem-vindos à NOSSA página.

Mario Roberto Guimarães
Enviado por Mario Roberto Guimarães em 29/10/2021
Código do texto: T7373848
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro