Sweet credulities


The pain of living is a path to reach infinity.

The pain of being happy is an act of bravery.

The pain of accepting everything that life brings is a way of rejecting the fullness of life.

Care about the essence, care about the truths.

Care about what really has value.

Care about what deserves your affection, despise the nonsense and the stones you find in the middle of the road - they are just decorations.


Being gullible is not necessary.

“The teaching of the wise is a source of life and turns away from the snares of death.”

(Life manual)

PAIN TEACHES, but some pain is not inevitable.

SIMPLICITY is the key to a fulfilling life.

Lust is waste, it is illusion, it is a void full of wind.

Credulities are farces, they are disguises that manipulate what truly matters.

Being gullible is being lazy to walk, to overcome inertia.

Gullibility is fireworks...

"Advice from someone wise can help us improve the quality of our lives and avoid putting them in danger."

(Quote from Magazine)

Everything hurts, what doesn't cause pain has no root, no depth, no meaning.

"The man is nothing more than a drop of water... But a very presumptuous drop."

(Carl Jung)

Gullibility invents a life that does not exist.