A Peggy Tale

Peggy was a girl

Like I never seen before

Her Ma is a hippie

She still has dreadlocks

Her Pa was a crook

His rap gone off the top

And Peggy used to talk

About getting engaged

She said a man was tough

If he bore a woman's rage

Peggy was well read

She had then degree

She know about politics

She knew the do-re-mi

She got a well paid job

Down on Grafton street

She said she was unhappy

Had a breakdown from hell

Her Ma gave her some weed

It really did her well

Last I heard of Peggy

She was off to Spain

She met this guy from France

He played drums in a band

He was part time lover

The other part he drank

His dream make his fans

And hit on the Top 3

He got bored of Peggy

She got a job on I.T.

Gabriel Caetano
Enviado por Gabriel Caetano em 31/12/2010
Código do texto: T2701544
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