I'm lost.


I left behind a great dream,

The time passed so quickly,

Nowadays I do not know who I am,

And not what I will be, because.

I'm lost ... I'm lost.

I've been on a track without signposts.

I got lost in time, I forgot the song.

And now I cry for is lost

I’m lost...I’m lost

I do not know what will be tomorrow's

the wind does not bring back our dream, not like before ...

when everything was perfect

But, now I’m lost,

lost, lost, lost.

Lost forever.

With the only hope in me

I look at the heavens and scream for you to hear.

Father, I'm lost, lost, lost.

I lost a dream, lose the way, I lost everything.

And I not want to lose you do.

Belra Cross
Enviado por Belra Cross em 27/12/2011
Código do texto: T3409045
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