/Love is more/

/Than everything/

/My heat beats/

/To call her name/

/But I don´t know/

/How to say/play/

/About feelings/

/Along the way/


/But when all sad notes move/

/One happier song doesn´t change/

/That our dreams are like a movie/

/Some watch to win while others don't lose again/

/She looked at me/

/In time to stay/

/So hold me close/

/I din´t stop to play/

/That love is more/

/Than everything/

/My heat beats/

/To call her name/

/Please hold me close/

/Then she kisses my face/

/Again Love is more/

/Thaaa..n ee..verything/

/This heart beats/

/To meet her agin/

/She is my little girl/

/Stay with me my darling/

/Stay with me my darling/

/Stay with me my darling/

/Our iii..s moo..r than everything/

/Our love is more than verything/

/Our love is more than verything/

/Our love is more than verything/

Théo Batista (Cantor e compositor)
Enviado por Théo Batista (Cantor e compositor) em 14/11/2020
Reeditado em 14/11/2020
Código do texto: T7111264
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro