
You say it doesn't hurt so much

After all the hurting times

But the reality is this

You have nothing left to bleed

You say everything is a phase

And that wounds are lessons

But you want to know one thing

I never asked for this lesson

Your pieces are only played

'Cause you'd rather keep making mistakes

If you had self-love would understand

That not everything must go on

Your patches are already torn

And this wound only gets worse

If you had self-love would understand

That not everything must go on

You seek to justify your failures

Lying to yourself that you don't feel anything

While bleeding in the shower

Bathing in your own tears

You once said that life teaches everything

Only you never heard her your words

If you have already lived this activity

Why then is it wrong on the same question?

Your pieces are only played

'Cause you'd rather keep making mistakes

If you had self-love would understand

That not everything must go on

Your patches are already torn

And this wound only gets worse

If you had self-love would understand

That not everything must go on

You wanted so much

Finding a different solution

Repeating the same equation?

Your pieces are only played

'Cause you'd rather keep making mistakes

If you had self-love would understand

That not everything must go on

Your patches are already torn

And this wound only gets worse

If you had self-love would understand

That not everything must go on

Maicon Lopes
Enviado por Maicon Lopes em 04/08/2022
Código do texto: T7574784
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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