To learn to be

We live in a materialistic society,

where people are led to identify with everything that is external to them,

everything that is outside of them.

So, you identify with the courses you took.

Do you identify with the profession you practice,

you identify with the relationships you have.

Can you imagine?

You identify with the amount of money you have in your account,

identify with their social position,

where you live and with everything outside you.

And when a simple question is asked:

"Who are you if you take all this away?"

I confess, I can't say,

who am i really

Iearn to be

it's a challenge,

because you need to identify

an essence within yourself

that does not undergo any changes.

If I take you away,

something that is external to you.

That something could be your child,

your daughter, your husband, your wife,

your home,

your profession,

your health,

your body.

What is death, but

if not someone knocking at your door

telling him: "give me your body!"

and you say: "but it's mine!"

and she replies:

"no it's not! hand me over!

To learn to be, to be.