
I want to thank you
I wasn't supposed to be here
You saved me
Because of you I'm still alive
Sometimes I'm not as grateful as I should be
I've never forgotten what you did to me
Sometimes I don't believe that five years were gone
I've seen a lot of things
Life is a blessing
The people I used to know became strangers
I lost two beloved people this year
I cried much
I got a job
I'm working on it
Mother had a surgery
I don't know why she cried before entering the surgery room
But everything was OK
And she's fine and recovering
I'm getting back to gym
A really important person and I discussed much this year
Our relationship is not as fine as it should be
But I'm trying to surpass it
Thank you God for being here.
Lucas Nicácio Gomes
Enviado por Lucas Nicácio Gomes em 19/10/2018
Reeditado em 15/03/2019
Código do texto: T6480512
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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