My incredibly strong, always happy son

"My incredibly strong, always happy, and extremely popular son shot himself in the head with a rifle on June 14 then died the next day which was Father's day 2014.

There was no warning, no signs, nothing.

Now I'm left to mourn him forever.

This song is good, but not if you're grieving.

Society has put so much pressure on the younger generation and expects all of you to live your lives with no pain, no fear, no sadness. Everything is supposed to hunky dorey. So when we see your smiling faces, and hear those wonderful laughs we simply assume everything is great. That is until we get that heart stopping stomach dropping call. John and I were best friends. Not many other mom's ( yeah I'm a woman :c)) can hoNestly say they were bff with their grown son's. He would wake me up at 1a.m. crying cuz a friend died, and I'd hold him. Or take him out to a 24 hr restaurant for coffee so he could cry and talk.

He must have hurt so so bad. That just kills me inside.

Thank you for your wonderful message you're a special person to be so open.

I hope you're getting the help you need.

God Bless."