Slanderous Justice

What happens to the Brazilian high Justice is the facilitation of actions aimed at incriminating the Left and covering up crimes committed by the Right. It goes beyond an avenging Themis who sees only the corruption on his left, in fact being a partial, slanderous Themis, which even generates false testimony and unfairly accuses a single pole of the political scene while smoothing and ignores and defer actions relative to the other. This Justice with its addictive balance is the most shameful, immoral and unethical form of power, because it causes disrepute and hopelessness in all other institutions. His sword beheads Democracy with repeated blows, and in the symbolic blood that flows from the wound and floods the halls of our shallow patriotism, the drowned are the poor, the weak, and the naive.

Damnus Vobiscum
Enviado por Damnus Vobiscum em 14/07/2019
Código do texto: T6695461
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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