
All of us have already been through a lot of tough challenges and troubles, but we know life is like that: Sometimes everything is ok, then suddently your world falls like a huge summer rain.

But, deep inside, we keep dreaming that we'll find a way to solve it.

That's called ''Hope''.

Let's be honest: Life is hard and the only way to fight and succeed in it is ''face to face''.

Fight against your troubles and try not to run away.

Most of times it'll be hard and you'll think ''I cannot deal with it''.

But when we think we are weak is when we're strong.

I'm just a guy writing behind (or in front of) the computer, telling things about hope and ''don't give up''.

How will it help anybody ? I really don't know, but we must try. Enjoying the fact that internet is a democratic and important global tool nowadays.

Just let's use it to practice good things.

At least let's try.

I know it's hard, It's also hard for me as i'm bad in my natural condition, but as i said, we must fight face to face against our troubles.

Keep dreaming and fight against the evil inside and outside you.


Enviado por Inhasz em 14/07/2019
Código do texto: T6695615
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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