
I really meant it when I said I wanted to be friends with you (and you, and you, and you,...). But there is a thing called friend zone that scares most boys. Because that leads them to believe friendship is a bad thing. That friendship is a barrier to what "really matters". Actually, that sounds even a bit ironic. For what they usually think that matters the most tends to have very little significance. A fleeting moment or a distorted idea of love. I wish people could understand the power of a true friendship. And how such relationship can be of the most valuable type. It's not a barrier. It's a solid structure two people can build together and it will be there for them in the toughest and the sweetest moments. And for those who are concerned about a romantic relationship: that is a different, non-excluding, bridge to build. I would even say it is important to be real friends with your beloved person. But that does not mean a friendship that will not turn into a romantic relationship is a problem, a waste of time. No! Please, learn to embrace true friendships and their value. Do not project romantic love into all of them. If that second part is meant to happen, it most likely will. But do not lose all those that are not meant to be just because you believe the lie that says you need to get "something more". For then you will probably lose what one day you could realize is what you needed most.

Enviado por Dancker em 14/01/2023
Reeditado em 30/08/2023
Código do texto: T7694878
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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