About the end

Why do we take formal goodbyes for granted? As if the universe owed us the chance to say our final words, to give one last hug, to leave everything solved. I bet formal goodbyes happen a lot more in people's heads and they are way less frequent in reality. Usually, things end without a proper end. They just stop being. They had been slowly dying, maybe unnoticedly. You probably lived the last moment without knowing there was not going to be a next one. You said "see you soon" and then you never saw that person again. But let me add that formal goodbyes do not fix much. Having the chance to give your final speech comes with no guarantee of feeling like nothing was left unsaid. And if you loved so much that last hug, I am sure you will long for another one, even when you know that will not happen again. That said, any moment could be the last - for inumerous reasons, most of them out of our control.

Enviado por Dancker em 06/02/2023
Código do texto: T7712772
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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