
Did we just lose it? Or maybe we never had it in the first place. Maybe the way you looked deeply in my eyes and let a gentle smile out was simply you being nice as you would be with anyone. Then why would you get nervous around me? Was that just my impression? The way you cared, the way we laughed together, the way you waved at me across the corridor. The day we decided to hang out and that just didn't work. You know I never understood your real intentions. I don't get what went wrong or if it was too good to be true. Were you afraid? Was I too much? Were you too much? Why did you even care to say goodbye, but only when it was already too late? When I was almost ready to cope with all that had been left unsaid, and then you texted me and said you were sorry. And I was sorry too. What a great end we made for ourselves, didn't we?

Enviado por Dancker em 20/03/2023
Código do texto: T7744955
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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