This winter in my soul

This winter in my soul insists on not going away
I have clothed and warmed but it’s cold every day
Love goes out of the door when you don’t care
Love goes to another heart when you throw it in the air

But you always wait for the summer’s sun
When your heart is warm, and you wait for anyone
To come to you and say the right words of love
Words that will soothe your soul and make you fly above

But the time is drawing near
When I have to depart from here
So, the time for love is now and forever
Wasting no time on things that sever

Love must be conquered every minute and every hour
Taking care of each other like you take care of a flower
And when things are about to end
Love will sustain your heart and not let you bend
(Paulo Eduardo)
Paulo Eduardo Cardoso Pereira
Enviado por Paulo Eduardo Cardoso Pereira em 19/07/2021
Código do texto: T7302924
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro