Turn around

Turn around, turn around

Dream the dream of your life

Wish where you go

Get your bag

And just go...

Don't say sorry to them

They were not family

Please accept it and don't cry anymore

Now you see where you are

Cause where there is a will

There is a way to overcome every hurdle that appears

And you know where you go

Just go

After all you've been through

You deserve smile that bright

From Brazil to the world

Never knew other places

Other people or weather

Never lived in a winter

Never saw the leaves in autumn

Nor the flowers blooming in spring

What was I waiting for?

I don't know

Build my whole life

Saying no to destiny

And closing my ears to what other people said to me

They said I couldn't do what I did

Turn around, turn around

In everyplace you can find yourself

Take a train

Pulse your vein

Nature sings this song for you

The birds, the wind, the dogs, the rain

Each detail is there to fill the void and to be explored

So turn around, little me

Don't wait to the end

We can fly, you can see

Through the sky every night

And the clouds seem to be

Like a field full of sheep

Yeah, that's funny

I can breathe

I can feel

The life in my life

Now I see

The unknown clear to me

The pretty that holds my skin

Turn around, turn around

There you are, Germany

I've been waiting for so long

And for now I kindly ask

Let me make you my home?

Don't need hugs or kisses

I need the freedom

Far away from the hands and tongues that hurt me

I just wanna be free

And see things that I've never seen.

Isis do Vale
Enviado por Isis do Vale em 06/08/2023
Reeditado em 06/08/2023
Código do texto: T7854670
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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