Today is the day of Saint Kings

Today is the day of Saint Kings
And the big party arrives finally,
The grimaces adorn the dawn,
In the clothing colors of each character,
Of the three Kings Magi is tradition.

The dancing and the singing are exalted,
in a poor zone rural of Caxias - Maranhão,
Where culture is alive and is not extinguished,
Among the paths of the forests, they move,
The large group of hard-partying of backwoods.

Children, men, women, and old men, all accompanying,
The greatest journey of Reisados,
Crossing streams and dense forests,
Uphill among thousands of babassu palms,
There they will cultivating this great feast.

Today is the day of Saint Kings!
And the great Tim Maia had not forgotten,
He sang in his famous melody,
Today is the day of Saint Kings,
Live this day of Saint Kings!


Presentation of the Reisado in Caxias - Maranhão


Enviado por ERASMO SHALLKYTTON em 06/01/2013
Reeditado em 06/01/2013
Código do texto: T4070723
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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