This atmosphere

By the shore we see the beauty

And we also feel How God is gentle to us

Presenting ourselves with His masterpiece

The waves do their dance

Like graceful ballet they move

And charm our eyes every day

Luck are those who can witness all these

its song is like music

A wonderful symphony that never stops

It can calm the giants

And bring peace to the world

This atmosphere is amazing

The sun, the wind

The waves, the fresh air

Bliss to our body and soul

At dawn we feel the greatness

We feel how life is huge

And important is to live every second

Enjoying and doing good

how meaningful everything is

when we have someone we love

when we are healthy

when we are capable of doing good deeds

Fabrício S Lima
Enviado por Fabrício S Lima em 19/10/2012
Reeditado em 25/09/2019
Código do texto: T3940363
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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