
I don't know how i should get better. I don't know how be better. I don't know if I wanna be better. I'm crying all over my room, looking for some reason to be alive, looking for some sense in me. I can't find it. I wish that I could be honest with everyone at least once. I can't do it. I'm hoping that tomorrow, when I wake, my sadness had gone. I'm searching for some hapiness in material things, but nothing fits me, anything completes me. I'm not playing a game. I'm being me. Real me. I'd tried confidence, high self esteem, love, but it didn't worked out. I'm a burden, pitty, needy. I wish I could be something, but I'm any.

Lívia Loback
Enviado por Lívia Loback em 30/04/2017
Reeditado em 30/04/2017
Código do texto: T5985949
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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