Hey you, lonely man

Do you wanna be my friend?

Can you tell me where’s God

In this sorrow days

In which I fell my soul lost

Looking for the right way

Is the peace just a word

Or something true in this world?

Can I tell you what I have done?

Oh, Lord, I’ve committed a great sin

I don’t know if you can forgive me

I know I’m imperfect being

And one day I will pay what I did

But, until this day to arrive

I want tell you what I’ve do

I see blood around me

I spread blood of my brother

Because I was jealous for him

He had everything I want wanted

He had a wonderful woman

And she lied to me

She promised the love I never had

Now my days are almost over

Where goes my dreams

Now, when I get more older

Than I can ever imagine

I’m not the same anymore

That silly boy

For the days I was younger

My days can be in the end

But my soul is eternal

My soul needs some friend

To cross this sea surreal

Which we call death

They say death is poetic

But is just a moment pathetic

Like my own birth

Our lady told once to her son

“Is so confuse and beautiful this world

He belongs to you”

But, when the boy became a man

He conquered the whole world

With only words of peace and love

Love one at to others

Now, I can say to all of you

I love you all in every place

You can beat on my face

And spit inside my mouth dirty words

I promise be like a lamb and be quiet

While you flagellate my flesh

And take away my life

Because the love is underrated

And you don’t want the light

Because your spirit are blind

Who cares what was his name

What cares is he was a good man

Which died in a day like any other

And when he died, he was put in the lap of his mother

And she cried so bitterly

“Why, my son, my only son?

I can see you blood

And in your head the signs of spines

And your hands are pierced

Please, comeback, my son

And your side are open

By a wild spear

Comeback to me

And to all of you

My son, what they did with you?

I can't feel your breath anymore

Where goes your soul?

Are you with your father

Did you know him?

He lives, since the beginning of the world

He was with the angels

And you are his sacred word

You are a man

And, you gonna return someday

Once you said you would love me

Until the end of times

And I believed in you, remember

I always remember the day I’ve kissed you in the rain

The tears fall from the eyes of God

For your false love

Where do you take my love

He was goes away like the wind

I can’t see or felling anymore

I believe in your false words

Now, I promise don’t repeat again

All this cruel sorrow

Still exist the love

I’m just a human being

And you are the cause of my sins

I don’t want you bad

I hope you died

I hope it will serve the hat

Can’t you see what you did with me?

I’m not the same anymore

And, who cares

You don’t care for me

As I never cared for you

Forgive for my sins, oh Lord God

I know the bad things I’ve did

I know I have the original sin

But, I also know I have the original innocence

Oh, Lord

Oh, Lord God

King of universe

Forgive my sins

And I wrote to you some verses

But, forgive the sins of my youth

I don’t want to go to hell forever

I want to stay at your side

Till the end of times

Mauricio Rocha
Enviado por Mauricio Rocha em 10/11/2018
Código do texto: T6499757
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro