I had a lot of things to say

I don't have that kind of confidence

I wanna write like a crazy dude

Who had some illegal thing

Before write ( and after too)

But I don't need that things to seems crazy, to seems weird

I Just don't have that confidence

And It's not like a bad things

Look, I had a lot of things to offer, like...

Oh, okay, you got me on this

But, I just want that kind of confidence

That one that you really don't mind about who's in the room

And say what you want to say


All that I have is questions

What do you want me to say?

Have I've being annoying too much time?

I don't know

Just that kind of shit

What do you want me to say?

This is Just the uggliest question in the world

And hits on me

Like a freaking bomb

Okay, now I think I've being so much stressed to be here

"Keep your limits, dude"

That's all of they know

How to say correctly

Okay, what about me?

I read a lot of these guys out of here

And bro, do you know something?

All of them have being scared

Maybe all of their life

And maybe, Just like me

Maybe I'll never find that confidence

Maybe all that I have being writing It's Just disgusting and annoying

But maybe it's Just part of the life

Just How the world Works

Have you ever heard about Charles Bukowski?

He was such a depressed, genius, crazy dude on his writing

I'm not saying I'm going to be like him one day, but Just look...

That's so much impressive to me

Maybe I'm Just tired of here

Maybe I don't belong anywhere

Now, after all of this annoying monologue, I Just want to sit down

Maybe I can write something good

For the First time

Debora B Ribeiro
Enviado por Debora B Ribeiro em 18/11/2022
Código do texto: T7652896
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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