Happy Birthday to You

Your birthday is drawing near

Do you want flowers, chocolate, me, what else dear?

Thirty “something” is a beautiful age

But clothes color has to change from red to beige

Age comes and you become more discreet

Listen more, speak less, careful where to step your feet

Speak English; make a point of being more educated

Change garments, not any more the ones too faded

No more laughs: now just a sexier and lovely half-smile

An older boy falls in love with you and keeps your pics in his file

You know you are now more attractive and stronger

Want to live a love and live it longer

You drive, you work and write

Sharp words that aim at a certain heart

Making it happier or sadder, who knows?

But your water is clear and it torrentially flows

Ah! how beautiful is the month of May

Because someone really special was born on one of its days

Making your family’s happiness at that time

But some years later you were able to also make mine

Paulo Eduardo Cardoso Pereira
Enviado por Paulo Eduardo Cardoso Pereira em 06/05/2007
Reeditado em 29/03/2009
Código do texto: T477088
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro