Beyond the veil of blue throughout.

Mother's love are the hands of Maya and the eyes of Iansã.

It is sea arm for the fisherman, it is ocean leagues away hug.

Mother love is pendulum swing for silence, is standard of joy.

Mother love is shiny sparkle in the deep dark of night.

Unconditional, placid, candid - mother's love always glowed star river.

Mother love is flag wearing exile. It is home of the forgotten orphan. Mother's love are rose petals in verse noble rhymes.

Milk of poetry via the mother's love warms and transforms us into the new daily.

Antonio B.

Baltazar Gonçalves
Enviado por Baltazar Gonçalves em 10/05/2015
Código do texto: T5237244
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro