If you go now

If you go now,

you'll never know

what I could have

given you, my love.

How can you say

you are unimportant,

that nobody cares

about your tears?

Don't you know

what you mean?

Can't you see

the wonderful being

you are?

Look at me now,

look at my soul

look into my eyes.

Don't go now.

Wait for me,

hear what I'll say.

Know how important

you've been to me.

You always say that

nobody likes you,

nobody looks at you.

It isn't true.

I care about you.

My heart bleeds

because of your tears.

I would give anything

just to make you smile,

just to dry your tears.

I would do it

because I love you,

who brought life to me.

So, don't go now.