Our Love Song


I wanna write you a song

Although I can't do it alone

So come over and help me get it done

Our minds united work like they're one

Together, we have always been better

Turned out I was daydreaming

I've been here all by myself

Staring at a blank paper

Waiting for words to be written down

I close my eyes, I behold memories

Of the happy moments we used to share

To every single one lived

there is a story to be told

To get this done

It doesn't matter how hard it must be

Or how long it must take

I intend to let you know

how special we were

By writing you a song

that sounds like the harmony of my heartbeat

in the first time we kissed

I'm sorry I've made you wait all night long

But I promise I haven't made anything wrong

All those loneless days are long gone

Now, let me show you what I've been working on

Let's sing together our love song


Enviado por GeGe em 22/02/2017
Código do texto: T5920813
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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