Your Silver Sandals!

Your sexy silver sandals

Took my thoughts and desire to a night with candles

They're beautiful on your foot

Love them too, and your legs to boot

I keep your 112 pics and still wish your heart-shaped lips

I am afraid I will love them for keeps

I can't wait to kiss them one day

It bothers me to never have tasted them, anyway!

Your quiet power on me makes me fear

Always waiting for me, oh dear!

I am weak and strong

At the same time, I am right and wrong

Day in Day out

I wonder what you are thinking about

All this I wish to go through, but I can't

Believe me, what I felt is what I meant

And life goes on and I still love to see your smiles

In those pics so secretly hidden in my files

For sure, they will be there for good

Cause I am tired to fight my mood

I look at them everyday

You are not here, but there anyway

It's just a bit of what I want of you

It's just a bit of what I want us, together, to go through

But without compassion you see me crumble

By asking me to call you, you just pretend to be humble

But then so powerful from your pedestal

You know the day will come when I will surrender to you and fall

Paulo Eduardo Cardoso Pereira
Enviado por Paulo Eduardo Cardoso Pereira em 14/04/2007
Reeditado em 11/09/2015
Código do texto: T449877
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro