Dead rose

Full of sadness

reflected in a pale submissive face

without expression,

Low voice and hoarse

She tries to scream but nothing comes out from her tiny mouth

She has lost herself in her own fairy tale

She is living in her own dream world

Those glazed eyes

brown in a black tone looking at you,

They follow you on your way back home

A lonely body feeling the winter cold

Searching for somebody to keep it warm

A soul full of darkness,

Chased by its past ghost's life

A heart full of wounds,

sadness and pain

A black heart as black as the dark night

So fragile,

So quiet,

So serene,

so alone

like a dead rose

She is.

Silent Alice
Enviado por Silent Alice em 10/02/2019
Reeditado em 04/05/2019
Código do texto: T6571927
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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