Hello myself

Hello myself

We meet again

So long have you been away

What news do you bring me?

Where were you all this time?

For here am I so lost from you

Walking blindly through my life

Not knowing if I was happy or lying

Now, you’ve come to me again

Hello myself

We meet again

Why do you appear in my moments of despair?

And nowhere else?

How come I be so lost without your advice?

How come I can be without you?

Knowing you I think I can’t

But years fly and here I am

Standing still in only one place

Where could I have run?

Goodbye myself

You leave again

Leaving me behind with little answers

What I learned from you I’ll never remember

And everything stands the same

Now and ever as it always were

That feeling that now it would change

Stays a feeling that fades away with time

And the routine comes again

Until the next time I crumble

Until the next time I meet again


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