The Missing Link... (A brief insight into Sarajevo *.)

They were both too far from Sarajevo,

Though so near from one another...

smoothly, flowing through the largest South American city,

as if scattered away floating leaves they were...

whatever they’re doing…

wherever they’re going…

no matter what…

nor where does it matter…

As long as … like odd scattered away floating leaves

they’re sailing across, flowing through life…

(…) Perhaps thinking English,

(…) Perhaps dreaming of moonlight nights.

(…) Perhaps drinking a beer.

(…) Perhaps dancing, chatting, laughing, or, simply, trying to recall all those school days not long before gone by…

(…) Perhaps consulting a map of former Yugoslavia.

(…) Perhaps thinking of Sarajevo,

a Bosnian city they’ve probably never been to…

[*] A city in Yugoslavia, formely capital of Balkan province of Bosnia, now capital of the Republic of Bosnia and Hercegovina.

A text by Zizifraga

March 2013

Enviado por Zizifraga em 20/03/2013
Reeditado em 22/05/2013
Código do texto: T4198840
Classificação de conteúdo: seguro
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